In other words, folks, Qualcomm and Appl…

In other words, folks, Qualcomm and Apple just gave us some very important affirmation of the ongoing app revolution that we’re positioning ourselves in front of…here’s a real-time discussion of Apple’s earnings and some tech investment analysis for you from a discussion between the Bob Dylan of Wall Street (James Altucher) and yours truly:James: Apple looks pretty goodwho cares abt ipad salesme: dudealso qcomapple’s earnings are great, but the real story there over the next few years is going to be the huge growth in the iphone/ipad ad network5:40 PM James: what ad network?5:41 PM are their ads on my ipad!?me: u ever notice the ads that come up on your apps when you’re reading?James: noare they really there?me: and the institial “commercials” that come thru when you click on an article in the wsj or nytimes?5:42 PM do u use any free apps?on all free apps there are adsJames: hmm. i guess i dont use appsme: picture google’s adsense ad network but for ipad and iphonesJames: although bitly app out tomorrow!me: so there you go!James: that will be a paid app99 cents a monthme: that will have ads, right?James: its going to be hugeme: guess who’s controlling that ad network?James: 10x better than flipboardno, it wont be a free app so no ads i guessme: ads too?5:43 PM can have them tooshouldJames: subscriptionme: very minorJames: hmmmme: just at the bototmJames: let me ask you this:whats driving all this tech stuffnew cycle?me: look at the mock appconsumer and apparevolution stock apps i’lll send u tonightJames: or the fact that everyone held back for 2 yearsme: tabletsiphonessmartphonesthe app revolutionplaying out in real-time, right before our eyes5:44 PM James: yeahbut lookpc sales upintc says pc sales up worldwidebrazil , chinaindia5:45 PM you cant make a spreadsheet on a tabletme: yeathat’s coming from the economic upturnu got 3 big drivers for tech righ tnow:5:46 PM James: CSCO at 6x with $25bb cashme: 1. economic upswingJames: as i read in trading with codyme: 🙂2. app revolution5:47 PM 3. debased dollar/forced risk-trade catalyzes coming bubblei’m in a stabucks right now…James: and yet,  can buy an ipad 1 for almost nothing now5:48 PM me: lady next to me is, i swear to god, WORKING ON A SPREADSHEET ON HER IPADJames: hame: maybe she wasn’t manipulating the data (yet!)but she was reading it, working on itand is now emailing somebody backipad 3 will have spreadsheets