Stocks are looking to open flat, and we …

Stocks are looking to open flat, and we might actually have a first day in a very long time without a huge move in any our stocks.  But that’s because it’s Monday and there aren’t any major earnings reports until this evening and then our earnings catalyst will really kick in again starting tomorrow.  We’re only just getting started on earnings season, as more than half the companies we cover have yet to report this go ’round so far.   Here’s what we know so far:

1. App/smartphone/tablet stocks are reporting strong fundamentals across the board

2. The markets are rewarding strong earnings reports with strong rallies (and vice versa)

We positioned ourselves nicely to catch some of these gains in our stocks and options and we had a couple huge days to finish last week.  Might have a few days of consolidation in the portfolio.  And rebuilding a base in these stock charts wouldn’t be a bad thing for us longs.

Gold’s up for the 9th straight day in a row, and silver was earlier up nearly 5% on the day today.  We’ve got some exposure to those real inflation trends via our DBA long, and as I’ve mentioned before, I am looking for an entry to start shorting gold as a paired hedge trade on inflation trends.  More on that in coming days this week, as I work it out.