Let’s talk Cloud Revolution. Yes, amid…

Let’s talk Cloud Revolution. Yes, amidst trekking to San Francisco, Dallas, and NYC, trying to close on land in NM, trading my personal account and writing about all of it for you guys on Trading With Cody, I also just finished a brand new investment book that you guys get access to for free as part of your subscription. And that book is all about the Cloud Revolution and the 30 companies best poised to benefit from it. I call it 30 Stocks for the Cloud Revolution and people can get it for $69 at http://CloudRevolutionStocks.com, but you guys get access to it for free. Here’s the intro and you can click through at the bottom to read the entire report:
When you stream a movie off Netflix, you’re in the cloud. Do you think you’ll be watching more movies on a DVD, or will you watch them over the Internet with your smartphone, tablet, car dashboard, computer and TV over the next five years?
When you pull up the MarketWatch iPad app to get the latest headlines, you’re in the cloud. Do you think you’ll consuming more of your news in newspapers and magazines, or over apps in the next 10 years?
When you watch “30 Rock” on Hulu, you’re in the cloud. Do you think you’ll be watching more cynical sitcoms on your cable or satellite subscription at the turn of the decade than you do right now?
Not to mention Facebook, online gaming, and all the other cloud activities.

The Cloud is going to be one of the biggest growth industries in the history of business. And in our new book, “30 Stocks for the Cloud Revolution”, we’ve identified the 30 companies best positioned to benefit from this huge new tech sector.
The entire concept of the cloud as an industry has been around for more than a decade, but it’s only now that the tectonic plates of technology are aligned for the Cloud Revolution to take off. As ubiquitous broadband becomes a reality, as the cost of data storage has continued to plummet for decades now and as processing powers in smartphones, tablets and car dashboards surpass what the best PCs could do just five years ago, we’re all moving toward consuming, storing and accessing our information, entertainment and work in the cloud. Look at some of these numbers:
• There are an estimated 1.8 billion Internet users worldwide … close to a 400% increase since 2000. – IWS
• More than 20 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded … every minute. – YouTube blog
• More than 200 billion emails are sent … every day. – Radacati Group
• In 2005, mankind created 150 exabytes, or 1 billion gigabytes, of data. This year it is estimated we will create 1,200 exabytes. – Economist
• “By 2020, a significant portion of the digital universe will be centrally hosted, managed or stored in public or private repositories that today we call ‘cloud services.’ Even if a byte in the digital universe does not ‘live in the cloud’ permanently, it will, all likelihood, pass through the cloud at some point in its life.” — IDC
• Cloud-computing companies are growing 15% to 30%-plus for the last year, which is significantly higher than the broader IT-industry growth of the high single digits, according to Lazard.
• IBM says it is investing $6 billion in cloud computing over the next five years … up from about zero over the last five years. – IBM
• Cloud stocks were up nearly 80% over the last 12 months compared with the broader markets being up about 6% – Lazard
• The cloud industry already has started exploding in growth and will become a $100 billion industry this year – BofA.
In many ways, the cloud is a more specific way to invest in the exploding app revolution, which is the fastest-growing industry in the history of the planet. All of us use our smartphones/tablets/dashboards/computers/smart TVs and so on to consume ever more content and to access our work easier, so the cloud is likely to balloon.

As everybody starts to realize just how big the potential of the cloud and just how many fortunes will be made selling into and servicing that cloud, that balloon will bubble. Invest in the Cloud Revolution stocks before the rest of the Street takes them to truly bubbled heights in coming months, quarters and years.