It’s a flattish open, but the story of t…

It’s a flattish open, but the story of the day is the 15% drop, the crushing of RIMM.  I’ve kept us out of RIMM and even had it as a short position in the Revolution Investing model portfolio last year before I started trading again where we rode it down from over $100 to some big profits before covering.  Microsoft is down a couple percent after reporting a strong quarter, but showing an outright decline in Windows sales.  Xbox and Office along with the corporate tech refresh cycle that I have often talked about were the strong points.

Here’s my positions heading into today, in order of notional size –


  • Corning
  • Celestica
  • Cisco
  • Riverbed
  • Nuance
  • Ciena
  • Cypress
  • Apple
  • Microsoft
  • Adtran
  • Nokia
  • DBA
  • VC
  • Google


  • LPS
  • CVC
  • LYV
  • XLF

I’m not looking to make any big trades today, but I’ll have a lot of updates for you throughout this last trading day of the week and the month.