With Nokia, Ciena and Riverbed all up 3%…

With Nokia, Ciena and Riverbed all up 3% plus today, we ended up nicely green by the close after bobbing up and down most of the day.  We’ll take it.  I bought those long-dated Softee call options and that was the only trigger pull of the day from my headquarters.   Nuance announced earnings after the bell, but that was already baked in because they’d pre-announced the upside to those earnings a few weeks ago, as I’d noted here in a post at the time.  They also announced a small acquisition, which wouldn’t matter much to the stock price tomorrow one way or another except that traders who bought Nuance because they thought it would imminently be bought by Apple are likely to puke their stock tomorrow now that they know it’s not happening this week.  Who cares, Nuance is still cheap, growing great, reported another good quarter and I’ll let it ride tomorrow.  See you then.