Here’s a list of my positions, in approx…

Here’s a list of my positions, in approximate order from largest to smallest, though the variations between relative sizes are decreasing as time wears on and I get these longer positions built up.   We’ll have some shorter-term and newer name trades in coming weeks to complement these  longer-term positions.

Longs –

  • GLW
  • Nuance
  • Riverbed
  • Cypress
  • Cisco
  • Google
  • Ciena
  • Adtran
  • Apple
  • Visteon
  • Microsoft
  • Celestica
  • DBA
  • Nokia

Shorts –

  • GLD
  • SLV
  • LPS
  • LYV
  • XLF
  • CVC

I’ve got some important errands to run as I start getting permits for electricity, wells, and so on for the land I’ve started buying/investing in down here in New Mexico, so I’ll probably be out the rest of the afternoon.  Thanks for reading and I’ll see you all Monday.