“Interesting” Chart, Apple Extortion Payments, Tesla Pick Up Truck and other notes

“Interesting” Chart, Apple Extortion Payments, Tesla Pick Up Truck and other notes

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Here some few not-so random thoughts, charts and analysis.

The Most Interesting Chart in the World

Nice chart of the 25 year $SPX @ToddHarrison:

The Most Interesting Chart in the World.

Longer-term earnings margins and earnings are much higher than they were ten and twenty years ago. My question is one of timing — it could be another 3-5 years before the next crash, no?

This encapsulates the dilemma at hand quite well IMHO – @ToddHarrison writes: “Tell me if there’s a NIRP-induced $JDSU-esque blow-off higher and I’ll have a better sense of timing.” My guess is that we do get one more leg higher, if not an outright Pets.com/JDSU blow off higher in the next 2-3 or 5 years. That, or we’re going to Nikkei-it for the next five-ten years with a slow grind. Crash always possible too! Ha.

Apple China Investment

$AAPL investing $1BB in a Chinese Uber company isn’t their style and it does make me think it was basically a $1BB extortion payment to the Chinese Communist Government to get them to back off on iTunes and Apple Books, etc.

Ethereum, the “new Bitcoin”

Perhaps Ethereum or another new cryptocurrency will be the Google to Bitcoin’s Yahoo. Or maybe Bitcoin is Amazon and all other cryptocurrencies are Webvan? Article: “This bitcoin challenger is up 1,100% this year — but is it ready for prime time?” http://on.mktw.net/1srm4pC

Tesla and Elio Pick Up Trucks?

Haha, this is hilarious — can you imagine a rancher in NM driving a Tesla pick up? He’d probably get beat up when he’d show up at the local rodeo the first time he showed up on Sunday with it. @Livingston67Ideas writes: “Question – If $TSLA unveiled a crew cab pick up, would you buy it and actually use it???” All that said, I wonder if he showed up in 3-wheeled $ELIO pick up truck what would happen then?! LOL

And here’s a mock up of an $ELIO pick up truck!! It looks like a three wheeled Ford Pinto for the 21st century. Too funny. $ELIO is sort of the anti- $TSLA . Here’s a good article about how $ELIO used crowdfunding – http://realmoney.thestreet.com…. I probably wouldn’t personally invest in it unless I got my hands on some real SEC filings so I could get comfy about the company’s financials.

Amazon Echo

I just ordered my $AMZN Echo yesterday finally. Excited to see what all the hype is about (and to play Beatles songs from my Spotify account more easily to my little girls). It’s early enough in the home assistant/spoken command Revolution that Google’s not too late. Anybody else on here have an Amazon Echo and if so, do you love it? Here’s a good article on how $AAPL dropped the home assistant ball that $AMZN picked up and ran with. http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/2..

From the Trading With Cody Chat Room this morning on the topic of the Echo:

I don’t have an Echo, but I can imagine what the 2nd and 3rd iteration will be capable of doing. In the linked article you posted, I gulped when I read “Apple is dead. It will survive for a while on its devices, but they too will ultimately be superseded, as were Palm and BlackBerry before them.” OMG! That would be a huge travesty, and it’s hard to imagine Cook letting it get to that point, but sometimes I ‘feel’ like it could happen. Yep, the personal assistant is going to be a hot space. Enjoyed the article – thanks.