Nuclear fears are back. But unlike in t…
Nuclear fears are back. But unlike in the Cold War, it’s natural disasters and not the fear of man-made catastrophe that’s the driver of those fears today. Japan’s tragedy remains the primary catalyst and focus of these markets, and until we get some lock down on the nuclear reactor breaks caused by the quakes and tsunamis, this market will have a hard time breaking out. Prayers and hearts are with everybody affected by the events there. I didn’t do a trade again today as I’m mostly content with my having put 15-20% of my total stock market capital to work last week. I’ll be opportunistic with my next trades…no rush and no need to overbuild at these current levels. One of the most important qualities to a successful trader is patience — avoiding bad trades is as important as finding good ones. And I’ll remind you often that there’s just no need at all to force trades. Great pitches are coming, but we gotta wait for ’em for now. See you tomorrow.