A collection of not-so-random thoughts

The markets, pretty much all of them — stocks, gold, bonds — are all wound tight. There’s pressure on both the bulls and the bears right here. There’s pressure on holding cash. There’s pressure buying real estate. There’s pressure to hold your job in this high-unemployment market. There’s pressure to find some sort of yield on your savings. There’s pressure holding gold. There’s pressure holding bonds or Treasuries as they are at historic levels.

There’s a lot to cover today, so let’s just jump right into each topic and comment using our Revolution Investor Linkfest format and if you’re interested in these topics, be sure to check out the Marketwatch Revolution Investor Newsletter or TradingWithCody.com to get much more in depth analysis from yours truly.

Prayers and Analysis for the Boston Marathon Explosions – First I want to say my prayers go out to everybody affected by this. I hate having to think or write about what this means to our portfolios, but that is my job and I will do my job. The analysis then, is that this BM explosion coming right on top of the wild crash in gold and silver today coming on top of the market action being already at all-time highs is scary and bearish. I’m not making any changes to the portfolio as a result of this tragedy as I have already been preparing for a downturn at least for the near-term here. God bless.

FBI Asks for Spectators’ Video of Bombing Scene AND City’s ‘most complex crime scene’ ever – Here are some additional informative links on the Boston Marathon Explosions. This obviously adds some additional uncertainty and a catalyst for investors to pay less premium on stocks.

My Gut Feeling for Today, April 16, 2013 – As my good friend Scott Rothbort explains, “The market, nay, the country was subjected to an exogenous event. When that occurs, all bets are off and you have to turn on risk management mode. Understand that risk management mode is not sell or panic mode.” This is a very good piece about managing your risks as you trade and invest.

Picking a perfect dividend portfolio – I’ve had more demand from investors for dividend stocks lately than ever before. That’s largely a function of the aforementioned desperation for yield on your savings. I rolled out a recent list of my favorite general dividend stocks and will roll out a list of my favorite tech dividend stocks next week in the newsletter.

The day gold died AND Time to buy gold, any way you can AND What Does the Recent Fall in the Price of Gold ‘Prove?’ – As I noted in the second link there yesterday, I’m a buyer of gold here and will get more aggressive in coming weeks and months.

Introducing the one and only Madison Montana, Trader Extraordinaire – Our latest addition to the WallStreetAllStars.com roster is a dandy. Come by and say hi to her while we have her new Madison Montana’s Maximum Velocity Chat Room freely open to Marketwatch readers this month only.