Amazon’s Bezos calls for a Truce with Trump?

Join me at 2pm in the Trading With Cody Chat Room, where I’ll be fielding questions on anything you want, from markets to politics as well as individual stocks or cryptocurrencies and so on.

You can also email or even just hit reply on this email if you have a question and I’ll be sure to include your question and my answer in the transcript we send out later today.

Before I go, here’s something to note — Trump’s bashing Amazon but Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos hasn’t directly responded. Bezos owns the Washington Post, which has been very critical of Trump and a frequent recipient of “leaks.” What does the Washington Post lead with today?

Mueller told Trump’s attorneys the president remains under investigation but is not currently a criminal target

Something Trump and his lovers love and something that the Post has probably known for a month (bold mine):

“In private negotiations in early March about a possible presidential interview, Mueller described Trump as a subject of his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.”

Coincidence? Or is this actually Jeff Bezos signaling to Trump a subtle white flag hoping for a truce? If so, is Democracy dying in darkness, despite the Washington’s slogan being “Democracy dies in darkness”?

Does any of this Trump v Amazon stuff really matter to Amazon’s future path for the next ten years? Is it all just noise and fury? Methinks Amazon’s going to be a trillion dollar market cap company in the next two to three years…but it might be a rough 2018 for the company and its shareholders. And for Trump too, for that matter.

Anyway, see  you at the chat!