Android kicking iOS’ butt and other must-reads

Markets continue their relief rally from yesterday. Long way back up to where they were this time last week though. Patience.

It’s been a while and I’ve gotten several requests for a “Revolution Investing Must-Reads,” so let’s jump right in.

6 kinda weird things that deserve to be added to the iPhone 6 – I recently bought the latest Samsung Galaxy tablet for work as we recently released our latest Scutify app for Android and I needed to try it out on the latest and greatest from Google’s GOOG Android. I absolutely love my new Samsung Galaxy tablet and the high definition screen and the fast processors and especially the widgets on the home screen. The next iPhone and especially Apple’s AAPL next iOS operating system better be a huge leap forward if they want to catch up with where Samsung’s Android products already are. I’ll be doing a full article about this topic next week.

Ukraine Moves Against Separatists as Medvedev Evokes Specter of Civil War – The markets seem to have stopped paying attention to the still escalating tensions in Ukraine and the Russia vs US saber rattling has moved off the front pages from the financial press. Keep this crisis on your own short-term radar though, because it’s full of “Fog of War” problems in which nobody can tell who’s actually doing what and why. The headlines and talking points are full of propaganda and it’s hard to get truth when nobody knows what the truth is in a Fog of War time.

No Longer a Reader? Tribune Wants You to Listen – I’m surprised this made headline news. The fact that this was a headline on a Tech Section of a mainstream financial news site underscores how much of the news cycle works — some press emailer likely got this reporter to do this article. I mean, what’s next, Tribune’s going to start mailing out cassettes for your Walkman (see: Kids baffled at sight of Sony Walkman)?

BofA Swings to Loss On Legal Charge – So Bank of America BAC spends tens of billions of dollars a year on legal fees for all the stuff they do wrong. And then they still get to benefit from tens of billions of dollars in annual taxpayer support so they can pay those fines and still pay bonuses and dividends. And then they lobby for more taxpayer support using the taxpayer support money to do so. Sigh.

Can short-term gold traders start buying? – Gold took a bit hit yesterday and the gold bugs are worried about the near-term. Then again, as Michael Haynes, the CEO of Apmex pointed out this morning:

Why Gold? 85% of Pension Funds Will Go Bust in 30 Years – Keep connecting the dots. Long-term, as I’ve been saying for a long time now, I expect gold will be up 10x or more in my lifetime, before I die at least in like 40 or 50 years or whatever. My own physical gold holdings, which I’ve been scaling into for the last year, are “forever holdings” and I’d welcome the opportunity to buy more physical gold near $1200, which I’ve written about before.

Growlife halted; marijuana penny stocks doomed – Even after all the articles I’ve written that explicitly lay out how most of these hyped-up pot penny stocks work and how the retail investor is the mark, I keep getting questions, like this one this morning from Novice39 in regards to yet another one: “Definitely something to consider, I appreciate it. Trust me I need all the help I can get. But don’t you think this is unprecedented media for a penny stock?” No. I don’t. My warnings about this stuff still stand.

Matt Taibbi: ‘Hands Down’ Bush Was Tougher On Corporate America Than Obama (VIDEO) – I don’t disagree, but that’s like saying that Reno is tougher on gambling than Las Vegas is. What else can I say but to repeat once again that the Republican/Democrat Regime is real and its going to keep pumping corporate America til the cards come tumbling down.