Apple splits and Facebook rocks

How To Split An Apple With Your Bare Hands The Proper Way

Detailed instruction and close up video of the proper way to split an apple with your bare hands

In Cody’s Latest Positions, I went through each of the current long positions in the portfolio and gave them a current rating on a scale from 1 to 10. I gave Facebook a 9 rating and Apple was tied for second highest-rated with an 8 rating.

After this morning’s moves in each stock and after listening to all the conference calls and reading their reports, I think both ratings remain the same.

Speaking of Apple, it’s splitting 7 for 1, eh?

I’m no fan of stock splits, as it does nothing to create value for shareholders, but a full on 7-for-1 split for $AAPL does make it more tempting for retail investors to buy, and the nice beat on bottom and top lines will do exactly what I’ve been saying was likely to happen soon: Get the momentum traders and growth investors coming back to this name and spiking it $50 to $100 in a straight line.

Meanwhile, all you need to know about FB is also exactly what I told you would happen: Facebook first-quarter revenue grows 72 percent on rising mobile ads I wrote this earlier this week? “I’d rather be long than short FB into tonight’s call, simply because I think earnings and revenue growth will again be so strong.”