Are NYC and the economy booming?

I’m running around the city for meetings again today. I’m having a late lunch with old friend and a big reason why I ever had a TV career, Larry Kudlow, and won’t be able to make the scheduled Live Q&A Chat today. But I’m happy to answer any questions you have if you’ll email them to us by hitting reply to this email or go to the Trading With Cody Chat Room (also on the Trading With Cody apps) and leave your question there and I’ll stop in there later and answer whatever questions you guys have left for me in there. I’ll send out a transcript of any Q&A we get to you all later too.

One takeaway I’ll give you from my trip so far, having met so many different executives, sales people and other workers from all kinds of industries (biotech, telecom, TV news, fintech startups, magazine publishers, etc) while I’ve been here for the last 48 hours is this:

I’ve been outlining why the economy seems to be stronger than the bears give it credit for and that is part of why I expect another leg higher in the Bubble-Blowing Bull Markets rather than an impending crash or something. Even so, I’ve been rather surprised how strong the corporate economy, the start up economy and the general consumer economy out there in NYC are.

Is your economy booming? Let me know what you think about how things are where you live/work/specialize…

Next week, when I’m back in the saddle at home, I’ll write a bunch more analysis about what I’m seeing and learning while I’m on this whirlwind trip.