Asking dumb questions

Asking dumb questions

“You are probably saying to yourself ‘Hey, I’m a college graduate, I spent a lot of time in school. What does journalism have to offer me? What do I have to offer journalism? What is there to write about? What is there to write with? Should I use a pencil or a typewriter? What kind of pencil? A number 2 pencil or one that writes darker? Where do I get these pencils? Do I bring them in or just my boss gets them? If I don’t bring them in, will I get fired? If I get fired, I’ll starve and then I’ll die. What should I do?’ Class of 79, for college graduates you sure ask a lot of dumb questions.” – Rosanna Rosannadanna Columbia School of Journalism Commencement Speech

Does this chart and the free money for corrupt Wall Street banks trump the warmongering with Syria?


Is that why the markets are up despite the war drums sounding?

Who’s side are we on in Syria again? Why are we on a side at all again? Did we win in Libya? Egypt?

How much time, energy and blood will the Republican/Democrat Regime spend on these Middle East wars this year? And next? How much have they spent on them in the last ten years?

Were there WMD’s in Iraq? Are you sure the Assad Regime is using chemical weapons in Syria?

If Assad goes the way of Khadafi after the US turned on him in Libya (that is, gets assassinated), who will then have their hands on the chemical weapons in Syria if those chemical weapons do exist? Has the US ever won a war in my lifetime? Why do we keep entering new wars without winning the old ones?

How about finishing the old wars some day? Will we ever exit Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the other hundred or so countries around the world in which the US currently has troops and/or weapons and/or covert operations?

What is the end game of 0% interest rates and QE? Can the US dollar remain the world’s reserve currency?

If the banks are going to set profit, payout and bonus records this year, then why is the Federal Reserve still using unprecedented “emergency measures” to prop up the banks to prop up the economy?

Will Larry Summers fail upward til he becomes king of the world or something? How will Robert Rubin be remembered in fifty years?

Will you vote for a Republican or a Democrat in the next Senate/Congressional/Presidential election and expect change?

Did you know I give free subscriptions to to all active service men and women? Do you know a soldier or two overseas serving in these RepublicanDemocratRegime wars who could use some steady, no-nonsense help with their financials and riding these ups and downs? Did you tell them to send an email to for more info?

Dumb questions?