Best apps for investors and traders

Apps are a way of life for about a billion people. Every day these days people open tens of billions of apps trillions of times — each day, every day, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. All of which, I might add, is exactly what I’d predicted back in 2010, when I used to write articles like this one called “The app revolution: the biggest market in the history of the planet” with commentary like this:

“When you find the single largest target market in the history of the planet, it’s time to get excited — perhaps even consumed by apps.  I’ve certainly been obsessed with all things apps since I started looking at the growth ahead and the ultimate size of a market that will entail billions of people using trillions of apps.”

But one thing we’ve learned is that most people only want to use a handful of apps, so each app a person does use, needs to give them more value, productivity or enjoyment than 99.9% of the apps out there in the market place.

You’ve seen the companies that run such value-add apps go public, including names like Zillow, Yelp, Twitter and that other little company known as Facebook. People use Zillow, Yelp, Twitter and Facebook each for a very different purpose, but each one provides value, productivity and/or enjoyment so they remain one of some of the most popular apps on the planet.

Which leads me to answering the question I get all the time: What’s the best app for investors and traders?  What’s the one app for investors and traders that gives them the most value, productivity and enjoyment?

The answer is simple — it’s the Scutify app for iPhone and Scutify app for Android.

You can learn a lot about investing, trading and get a lot of stock ideas by reading the daily flow in the Scutify Scuttles.

Use the Scutify Stock Quote screens for any stock to see everything you need to know about each of your stocks — all the latest articles, Tweets, StockTwits, real-time headlines, charts, quotes and more all on one easy-to-navigate screen. I particularly enjoy when people ask the team of Scutify All-Stars like Robert Marcin, Howard Simons, Jeff Miller and others who are active on the site every trading day for help and ideas. You even have people who post quotes from the likes of Jesse Livermore and Benjamin Graham, which I find invaluable in their own right.

I liked the Scutify app for iPhone and Scutify app for Android so much that I joined forces with the company and am Chairman of Scutify.

For me, the must-have apps for investors and traders include:

Scutify (Free) – By far the most value-add and outright best app for every investor and trader.

FRED (Free) — Best economic app, bar none.

WolframAlpha ($2.99) — Amazing amount of information about stocks and any other topic you can think of to research.

KCast Gold Live! (Free) – An impressive amount of relevant information on commodities like precious metals.

Marketwatch (Free) – Needs to be updated but still offers great content.

We’re all app-addicts these days. And thusly, I’m continuing to bet on the App Revolution, as I still hold the platform plays of Google and Apple along with Facebook. Zillow looks like an interesting long-term investment, but the current valuation just doesn’t give me enough margin of safety. But mostly, I bet on the App Revolution via the Scutify app for iPhone and Scutify app for Android.