Bitcoin Vs Gold (And Seeking A Rare Earth Metals Expert)

Year-to-date, which asset class is up the most: Gold or Bitcoin?

Bitcoin’s up almost twice as much as gold. We’ve owned both all year and I’ve not trimmed them much yet, though I am trimming them a little bit this week.
I’m always amazed at how often I make connections to other analysts and professional investors and experts in various industries, so…I’m doing some work on the rare earth metals industry, so if any of you are experts and/or have some great analyst reports to share with me, I’d love to hear from you.
Meanwhile, stay strong, stay vigilant, stay with our stocks and don’t be greedy.
Let’s do this week’s Live Q&A Chat today at 12:30pm ET Friday. Come directly to the TWC Chat Room or just email us your question to (video chat will return next week).