Chat and random thoughts

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Stocks soft but flattish, $DJIA -28. Trending: $YNDX +6%, which I’ve mentioned on Scutify as a buy when it was <$15, on fire and looking for governmental help in its battle against $GOOG$GOOGL,
$Z +8% on finishing up its $TRLA acquisition and becoming a monopoly,
$SNE +2% near 52-week hi’s on turnaround plan, which is all part of why I own it and have written about it here repeatedly on Scutify too. I think $SNE still has more upside potential from here, though, as I wrote yesterday: “Sony – it’s had a huge run, probably best to let it consolidate a little bit for now”… That said, in a year, I think it could be above $40 and I plan to own it for longer than that if the execute from here.

They’re using #SocialCapital as a metric along with comparables like $FB, Whatsapp and $TWTR to get a $19BB valuation on SnapChat. From a #SocialCapital point of view, $FB‘s users are worth $160 each, WhatsApp users were worth $40 each when$FB bought it, and $TWTR‘s users are worth $70 each and Snapchat, which is growing faster than any of the others mentioned, at a $19 billion valuation, is valuing each user at $190. Great question

One of the highlights of my career was giving the speech leading into Steve Wozniak’s keynote at the Apple Investment Conference a few years ago. He was incredibly inspirational and I’ve quoted from the talk he gave in building Scutify with @KheangLy many times. Anyway, here’s: “Steve Wozniak explains why he loves the Apple Watch” #Wearables

Doug Kass helped me with connections and guidance when I launched and ran my hedge fund from 2002-2007 and I have a special place in my heart for him. But I will admit that him talking about a $1 trillion market cap for $AAPL when it’s at all-time highs and up, not joking, 13,000% from where I bought it in public and debated him about it back in 2003 on, makes me worried that it’s time for a pullback. I trimmed some$AAPL just yesterday anyway.

I’m growing increasingly bearish about $AMBA for the near-term too, as I am getting bombarded with questions about whether it’s a buy on this pullback before earnings. Too much momentum loving and hype on this one right now, I’m afraid. Still long $AMBA common stock, but trimmed it quite a bit back in the high $50s and $60s and am not looking to buy any back yet. That said, if you want to own it for the long-term, starting a 1/5 or 1/4 tranche position in it probably isn’t bad idea.