“Cody 2.0” Will Still Push and Pull (And A Couple Trade Alerts)

“Cody 2.0” Will Still Push and Pull (And A Couple Trade Alerts)

Yesterday, I had a great check up at the Heart Institute of NM. All signs are that I’ll be fine. Start some workout programs next week. Have to take a couple prescriptions but even those might not end up being permanent. The doctors there are not expecting more surgeries or anything like that.

I’ve got a new lease on life. Cody 2.0 won’t be drinking beer or eating fried foods or even smoking a cigar when I golf ever again. I’ll be running, swimming and exercising more like I did in my 20s than I had been doing the last ten years.

I have to admit I’m a bit tired again today. My body and my heart have been through a lot the last week.

Two housekeeping notes to mention:

We sold the ENVX for a loss. I’ll keep it on my screens, but we are starting over on the analysis on that one and will see where we end up after this quarter or three.

We sold the OKTA for a nice gain. I’m keeping the SNOW and MDB for now, but I trimmed those a bit too.

Into today’s big intraday Powell rally, we’re adding a few puts on BAC, XLF, GM and F and hedging some of the longs with some QQQ puts. Be careful. Don’t be greedy. Don’t be scared.

Bryce is writing up our updated analysis on ROK so stay tuned for that this week.

I leave you with this deep thought and an old picture that a classmate of mine sent to me yesterday on text when he was checking on me. You ever heard of the Push-Me-Pull-Me competition in Cub Scouts? The idea, as I recall, was to have one dude push the other guy on a cart for 50 yards and then change positions and race back to the starting point. We designed our PMPM cart with handles on both sides so we didn’t have to reverse the direction at the change point. We won big time. (Side note: I think that’s Neil Patrick Harris in that image with me.)

Anyway, there’s definitely some stock market analogy to be made out of that Push-Me-Pull-Me concept. Stocks and economies don’t go the same way the whole time. Different people and themes drive the disparate directions.

Peace til later.