Cody Kiss & Tell: $AAPL calls, $SNDK earnings, $GDX and how long for drone delivery

Howdy ho, folks. I’m on another window right now chatting with the world’s worst tech company — I have no recollection of how I ever started using that horrible company, but I’m locked in for now. Anyway, it’s time for this week’s Live Q&A Chat. Ask me anything.

Q. Our $AAPL calls are almost done time wise, do you ever exercise your calls and buy the stk., or do you mostly just sell them.

A. I do sometimes exercise call options and just keep the stock, but I usually do sell them before hand unless it’s a position I’m trying to build up for the long-term in the common stock anyway. I know these $AAPL call options are about to expire and I’ll sell them in the next couple days beforehand, as $AAPL common is already plenty big in my portfolio. Nice win!!

Comment: yes, it was an excellent call- many thanks! we’re up over 400%!

Q. Cody, can you tell me where on the website I can find your most recent holdings and when they were added? (Under latest positions, $AMBA and $IXYS are not listed. So, I know there is something more recent.) Thanks!

A. Looks to me like I need to do an updated new “Latest Positions” this week for you guys to get you the latest weightings in my personal portfolio. I try to update and release a new Latest Positions report to you guys once every couple or weeks, and it’s been four weeks since my latest. Sorry, will update and send out probably Friday, as it takes a lot of work to do those reports accurately.

Q. $Sndk into earnings today…it is rocking even more. What is your take / my position is WAY up now and by when ? Is the TWC site going to be reignited?

A. There’s a lot of high expectation into the $SNDK earnings call tonight, especially after $INTC and $MU have both rocked their fundamentals of late. $SNDK has a history of selling off after its earnings reports only to come roaring back intra-quarter. I’m holding mine steady for now.

Comment: Juglando su vida ! Buena suerte Cody!

Q. Hi, can we also get a new earnings calendar? How is the baby?

A. Baby is great. I’ll have someone put together an earnigns calendar for our stocks and will send it out to you.

Q. Great, thanks, with the sell of our $AAPL calls BIG HIT what stocks should we add to now or wait, I have everything you recommend.

A. I preach patience and waiting for the next great pitch. The mentality that “I just won big and now I can gamble more” isn’t the right idea, I don’t think. As Jim Rogers once told me over a coffee, you want to wait til you see a bag of gold coins in the back of the room that nobody is willing to pick up. And then we’ll try to strike again.

Q. Cody do you have an opinion on $MOBI? thanks

A. I’m not a fan of investing in Chinese-based companies unless they are mega-caps like BIDU. “Sky-mobi Limited, through its subsidiaries, engages in the operation of a mobile application platform embedded on mobile phones to provide mobile application store and services in the People’s Republic of China. The company’s Maopao mobile application store enables users to browse, download, and purchase various applications and content, such as games, music, and books.” GULP!! And sales were down last year big time.

Q. Are you adding to $GDX calls yet as you were thinking to? If not now at what GOLD price will you add $GDX?

A. Nope, still not buying any $GDX calls. I don’t own any $GDX exposure right now and I just think it seems like everytime I almost buy $GDX again, there’s a frenzy of gold bugs going nuts on $GDX and gold. I’ll buy when it’s hated or not at all, perhaps. Pitches as they come.

Q. . I’m not doing an awful lot now since your prediction of a 5-10% drop…Trying to be patient. Predictions on $FB’s earnings and stock reaction? Remember last quarter’s great numbers then terrible action in the stock price?

A. Notice that I didn’t make any specific changes to my portfolio or trading as I predicted a 5-10% drop in the Nasdaq starting last week or so. I don’t have enough conviction in that short-term bear call to bet on it or to stop betting on my longs overall. Just ebbing and flowing etc. As for $FB, feet to fire I think $FB will need to report a big beat and guide high to get that stock rallying post-earnings report. Then again, i do expect that $FB will report a big beat and guide high.

Q. What kind of time frame do you have for the Drones/video on your motorbike revolution so when might you be tranching into the $AMBA & $IXYS ? We are at the beginning, how far out until Amazon delivers a package to your NM ranch ?

A. I have a five to ten year time horizon, at least, on the Wearables, Robotics and Drones Revolutions, and I’ll be using wide scales and big spaces in time to tranche into $AMBA and $IXYS. Just being patient, as you know, for now. It’ll probably be at least ten to fifteen years before drone cars or aerial drones are widespread enough that I’ll see on deliver me a package from Amazon here in rural NM.

Q. Hi Cody. Thoughts and implications of a drone backlash? Seems to me it’s starting to gear up fairly significantly with bans in parks and comments from officials in places like NYC…

A. They have to start making some rules and laws to stop the rogue droners from killing somebody I guess. I always have and fully do expect there to be laws put in place on drone pilots and on drone manufacturers. Give it a few more months and the bills and rules and round the states and on federal levels, will be through the roof.

Q. Some commentators think the Apple~IBM arrangement is a big deal for Apple while others see it as a meh. What’s your take?

A. The $IBM and $AAPL tie up has big potential, but the company’s have a long road of trying to intergrate their systems and strategies. Long-term, any penetration in the enterprise side is big time for $AAPL.

Q. Folks i am here on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic ..I do volunteer work with the DREAM project educational opportunities to the poorest kids….and this is low tourist season so there is hunger and no food in lots of homes meanwhile the wealth divide keeps expanding so how do you see these divergent realities finding resolution and solutions in our world ?

A. G-d bless and the only solution is to end all subsidization and redistribution and stimulus and subsidies around the world to individuals and communities do for themselves with their own prosperity and money.