Cody Underground Episode 3: Trades I made today, Ukraine fog of war, Pandora, Yahoo TV, GM safety

Cody Underground Episode 3: Trades I made today, Ukraine fog of war, Pandora, Yahoo TV, GM safety
Cody Underground Episode 3: Trades I made today, Ukraine fog of war, Pandora, Yahoo TV, GM safety

Today’s Cody Underground Topics include:

1. Markets keep falling. Time to do some buying yet? I mention a couple trades I made today.
2. Protesters in Ukraine’s East Call On Putin to Send Troops – Pro-Russian demonstrators occupying a government building in Donetsk also demanded a referendum on seceding from Ukraine, hours after a Ukrainian officer was killed in Crimea.
3. Pandora vs Spotify vs iTunes vs the world. $P is now down in a straight line from $39 to $27 per share, and I’d re-entered the short position on its way down at $35 or so as noted here on I’m going to lock in about half the gains in my Pandora short position here today.
4. Yahoo gets into the TV business – local and production of a TV-like series. I’m beginning to think $YHOO is a ‘House of Cards’ so to speak and Marissa Meyer the CEO has bluffed herself into a corner. That sure is a near new font she helped her designers create for the logo, tho huh? As Robert Marcin put it today on “Yahoo is the Sears of the Internet.”
5. Deep thot of the day- Are u safe in your GM car since the co and the govt oversight and safety regulations protect u? Or maybe U’d be safer if they stopped all that and simply shut down any co like GM that sells cars that kill people and prosecute the individuals running it.
6. Song of the day is “Pandora’s Box” by Aerosmith. See point #3 for why.