Cody’s on his way to the Traders Expo in NYC

This is William Fox, Chief Technology Officer for

Cody is headed to Albuquerque to catch a red eye flight to NYC for the Traders Expo put on by He’s on a red eye flight back to NM Tuesday night (apparently he can’t be apart from his new baby girl for more than 48 hours haha). If your interested and available to meet with Cody, he will be at the Scutify booth at the Traders Expo (which by the way is at the Midtown Marriott in Time Square) most of the day Monday, yes MLK day. He is giving a speech called “Everything You Need to Know About Investing” on Tues at 10:30am to all people who have signed up for the Traders Expo. It sounds like it should be packed so if you are interested in attending his presentation, be sure to sign up right away, and hopefully they can still accommodate you. Be sure to sign up here so they know Cody referred you:

Cody and Elad Ryba, the moderator and host of the chat room, will be hosting a lunch free for any TradingWithCody subscribers at a secret location which we will announce the day of the presentation/lunch.

Any questions you might have be sure to let me know by emailing me at

And don’t forget to take a moment and learn some truth about Dr. Martin Luther King JR. by actually listening or reading some of his own words. He was a great economist whether recognized as so or not.