Cody’s Trades of the Week for October 31-November 11, 2016

*I will be in meetings all day this Wednesday and excited to report back to you. So, I will need to move this week’s live Q&A to tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15th at 11:00 a.m. EST. Please join us.


On Friday, October 28th (trade was made after weekly summary was published):

  • I sold about half of the IBB puts today and locked in some of those profits while keeping half the puts and all of the common stock short position in IBB.

On Wednesday, November 2nd:

  • I nibbled a few more shares of $TST-The Street, Inc. I didn’t get filled on many of my orders last week and I’m going to put in a few bids over the next few days this week and next to finish building this position up into a small position. *Consider this a TradeAlert for all of the times I’ll bid on this thing today and/or in the next week or so.

On Tuesday, November 8th:

  • I moved on from my $FIT-Fitbit long.

On Wednesday, November 9th:

  • With January expiration dates, I bought $QQQ-Power Shares QQQ Trust, Series 1 ETF puts with strike prices around $115-116 and $DIA-SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF puts with strike prices around $177-180.


Stock Call or Put Action Date Initiated Time Initiated-EST Option Price Stock Price Strike Price Exp. Date
$IBB Put Sell 10/28/16 1:20 pm $45.60 $261.14 $300 January
$QQQ Put Buy 11/9/16 11:10 am $0 $116.28 $115-$116 January
$DIA Put Buy 11/9/16 11:10 am $0 $183.54 $177-$180 January

Common Stock

Stock Action Date Initiated Time Initiated-EST Stock Price
$TST Buy *11/2/16 12:05 pm $0.91
$FIT Sell 11/8/16 4:50 pm $8.66

Check out these and all my Trade Alerts, Latest Positions, Articles and Chat Room on the Trading With Cody site and the Trading With Cody app for iPhone and An.