Darn it all, that’s how you know I’m sending you these trades out in real-time as I’m trying to act on them. Turns out that FEXPX isn’t an ETF but a mutual fund and there ain’t no shorting a mutual fund.

I would look at any funds or stocks I have that are heavily-dependent upon exporting sales and consider selling them. I happen to think that 

most of our individual Revolution Investing stocks that we own are poised to continue to bubble higher regardless of the dollar’s rally impact on the economy.Finally, I am indeed going to go ahead cover my IBM short. IBM’s still got their aggressive accounting methods and legacy technology issues to deal with, and  the stock is one of the few megacap tech stocks to have not participated in the bubble-blowing bull market over the last couple years while we’ve been short it. But I want to continue to clean up the portfolio as we focus on our next moves.I’ll keep working on a clean way to get some exposure to export-centric stocks, but I won’t force it by shorting an individual name unless it’s clear that we’ve got an edge. That’s why I wanted an export-centric ETF. Anyway, sorry to confuse any of you.