Correction to the Live Q&A Chat Time (I Hate Time Zones)

Correction to the Live Q&A Chat time: It’s at 2pm ET (not at noon ET) today. I Hate Time Zones. We will do this week’s Live Q&A chat at 2pm ET today (Friday), in the TWC Chat Room or just email us your question to
Have I ever mentioned that I don’t know why we use the concept of time zones? During last week’s video chat, I’d explained:
Timezones, man. Timezones are brutal. I got a question for you on that note. What the hell are we doing with timezones? Can’t it just be the same time everywhere? I don’t need to remember where the time zone that way… It’s so much harder to keep track of that time that timezone is versus what the timezone I happen to be in, especially when you’re traveling. Wouldn’t it just be easier if 10:00 AM everywhere is the same? That way, if you’re in China, well, 10:00 AM would always be nighttime. If you’re in the United States, well 10:00 AM would always be afternoon. If you’re in Hawaii, it’d be just before dawn. Time zones make no sense.
Here’s another one. Why don’t we come up with a metric system for time? I mean, seven days in a week? Who made up that number? Or sixty minutes in an hour. Can we come up with a metric time system? This old English, British standard of timekeeping is BS. We should have 10 hours in a day. We should have 10 days in a week, 10 hours in a day, 100 minutes in an hour, 100 seconds in a minute. Come on, people, let’s get on it. And don’t even get me started on daylight saving stuff.
So anyway, see you at 2pm ET today (Friday), in the TWC Chat Room.
And here’s a picture of the graduation girl.