Daughter update, hand transplantation, and other notes

My newborn daughter, Amaris, has been with us at our rental home in Albuquerque for a full week now. She was born almost eight weeks ago with Trisomy 13 and she’s put on nearly two pounds and rather miraculously healed some of the issues she had upon birth. Along with my wife and much of our family, I’ve obviously been helping take care of her and our 18 month old daughter, Lyncoln, and it has taken several full days and nights to learn how to deal.The care we’ve been getting from Presbyterian, UNM Hospitals and affiliated services has been remarkable. We’re getting down some routines here and I should be back nearly full-speed with my writing, investing, analysis and work for the next few weeks, I hope. Thanks as always for all the prayers and well-wishes.

Coincidentally, my best friend from when I was a student at UNM back in the 1990s, Jaimie Shores who now runs hand transplantation at Johns Hopkins, happened to be here this past weekend and it was rather good to have a doctor in the house on our first days and nights here. Furthermore, Jaimie’s on the very cutting edge of biotech/health-care technologies and introduced me to a couple small cap suppliers that he uses in his practice. One company in particular caught my fancy from a fundamental analysis perspective and I’ll be talking to the founders/executives in the next couple weeks. Let you know how it goes with the name and full analysis on the company whether I end up investing in the company or not, so stay tuned.

I’ve also been working on some other new Revolution Investing ideas and am getting close to pulling the trigger on a new name or two as I finish up my homework on them this weekend. So stay tuned for that too.

In the meantime, let’s keep our playbooks handy, let’s keep our heads on straight.

And thank you dear Trading With Cody subscribers for understanding my constraints over the last couple months.