Elad, FSLR, Wants/Hopes/Feelings and other notes

Elad, FSLR, Wants/Hopes/Feelings and other notes

Don’t forget this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 2pm EST at TradingWithCody.com/Chat.

As our estimable Elad Ryba, investor extraordinaire and TradingWithCody.com Chat Moderator put it this morning:

“FSLR VERY strong almost 1 hr in VOL is powerful 3M shares vs avg daily vol 4.4M shares- First Solar FSLR +4.40% shares rose 3.2%. The solar panel maker on Tuesday said it will buy Skytron Energy from AEG Power Solutions in a bid to expand its power-plant control systems business.”

And regarding our Stratasys position:

3D food printing- for fun-http://refrigerators.reviewed.com/news/watch-this-machine-print-a-raspberry?utm_source=usat&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=collab

Meanwhile, as for trading, I find I’m getting an itchy trigger finger, and am wanting and hoping to find a trade, long or short, that I can get excited about. We added Yelp and a little FEYE and FUEL along with taking big profits on half our AAPL call options recently, but I feel like I should have some more and new ideas for you and me to trade.

See the words I italicized in that above paragraph? Want, hope and feel. Those are exactly the words that no investment and no trade should ever have associated with it. So I again go back to my playbook and try to get existential about my own emotions and how they can have influence if you don’t check yourself. Before you wreck yourself.

Patience, steady analysis and lots of homework. As Simon Constable put it yesterday on Scutify

All Star: CodyWillardPosted … 20h agoAgreed! @simonconstable: “Investing is hard work and not necessarily an exciting business.”