Elad Ryba joins TradingWithCody – Proud to announce our new Chief Moderator & Guide

Elad Ryba joins TradingWithCody – Proud to announce our new Chief Moderator & Guide

Good morning and welcome back to the gyroscope, where they spin you like a top til the momentum stops.

The markets are mixed this morning as the last three days’ big gains are digested. I’m probably not going to do much more trimming or hedging just yet, as I patiently let this greed phase in the market play itself out as we’ve been set up for it to do so.

At any rate, I am honored and thrilled to officially announce that one of the best money managers and traders I have known over the last fifteen years, Elad Ryba, is joining the Trading With Cody team as “Chief Moderator & Guide”.

Elad and I first met over ten years ago after he’d been subscribing to my service for a few years. Leveraging his own instincts, discipline, style with my macro-economic Revolution Investing approach to riding the cycles of the market while buying the most innovative and fastest-growing tech companies on the planet — Elad has had a lot of steady, long-term results for his investors.

Any of you who have spent any time at all on the TradingWithCody.com Chat Room, have already experienced Elad’s skills and how helpful he can be in dealing with trading psychology and emotions, as he’s long been an active participant in the great discussions we have on there every day. And now we’ll all get his insights daily in a morning note called “Elad’s Market Preview” and in other articles on occasion. Elad’s also going to be officially moderating the Subscriber Chat and the site itself for us.

I will be as active or more active as ever with my own writing, trading and analysis for TradingWithCody.com subscribers and with Elad’s added insights and ideas, you’re just about to get a whole bunch more bang for your TradingWithCody.com buck.

Here’s his bio. And be on the lookout for his first article coming up after it gets through our editors in just a bit.

Elad Profile Pict

Elad Ryba has have been investing since he was 15 years old. His older brother talked him into investing his income from summer jobs in NYC into mutual funds back in the late 80’s. Ever since then stocks and the market have played a large role in one way or another in his life. In 1996, he graduated from Brooklyn College with a double major in psychology and advertising. During his years in college he wrote for both school newspapers on a weekly basis.

In 2001, he diversified further into real estate with a venture with his family. In 2003, he returned full-time to trading and investing in stocks. Since then he has been running a family office and helping friends and family invest in stocks, bonds, currencies, gold, real estate and the like.

Elad believes that the daily interactions, reading and communications make the job more interesting and lucrative. The markets are always volatile and he has found that having ongoing daily dialogue with other investors and reading investors with seasoned track records helps immensely.  Social exchanges of investment ideas, reading and listening to others helps refine his own ideas, timing and thoughts on money, investing and life.

When he’s not investing he loves spending time with his wife and three kids he cherishes. Being a dad is the job he always wanted but never knew until he had children, to mold your kids daily is a wonder to behold. Stocks and investing is a way to make that wonder come to fruition.