Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Apple vs Amazon vs the World, The Great Crypto Crash continues and more

Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Apple vs Amazon vs the World, The Great Crypto Crash continues and more

In this episode of The Cody Willard Show, I tackle all the latest headlines, from Alex Jones (are we being serious?) Elon Musk (he blocked me on Twitter while tweeting about taking his company private!), Apple vs Amazon vs the World (see cute clips of my kids playing with Alexa), The Great Crypto Crash continues (hate to say I told you so…), the latest sports news, a hilarious Amazingly Bad Movie Review and more.


You can watch a replay this morning’s show on Facebook here or on YouTube here.

The Cody Willard Show is my once weekly 45-50 minute live show that you can find on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch TV, Periscope, Twitter and elsewhere. We also publish it each week in podcast form on iTunes, Soundcloud and Stitcher. And we send out a transcript of each show exclusively to Trading With Cody subscribers.