Estimates are rising, but what’s priced in already?
“It’s all clear!”
Wagonmaster western cowboy movie exciting ending – John Ford
Or is it?
Howdy y’all and welcome back to the trail where you better make sure your saddle is strapped on tight enough, no matter how gentle your horse.
Apple’s trying to extend its breakout. Amazon can’t break away from $200. I’m seeing lots of analyst notes that are raising estimates for tech and cyclicals heading into the earnings season. Does that mean we’re in the clear? Or is that already priced in? We’ll see, but as I keep reminding you, let’s not rush into any trades with our hard-earned capital. Next Tuesday brings Alcoa and then a slew of other reports start hitting.
We’re putting the finishing touches on the Top Ten Apple Supplier Stocks book today so stay tuned for that.