Everybody’s working

I have been working and now am ready for the weekend, to paraphrase a hair band from the 80s.

Into the weekend we head, but before we get there, we’ve got gold off more than 2% today in a continuation of the “crazy currencies blowing up” that I wrote about yesterday. The volatility amongst the global fiat currencies is also being played out in the precious metals as reflected in their own spiked volatility over the last few months.

Go back and read all the interactions and articles from this week. No real theme to them if you look at each individually, but from a 30,000-foot view, all of the below is directly and indirectly related. How do you factor currency swings, interest rate reversals, and an ongoing stock market bubble in your analysis and portfolio management? Or do you?

That’s it for me this week. There sure seems to be a lot of confidence that the markets can get back to recent all-time highs and keep right on going straight up into the year end. I remain near-term bearish and expect we get another panicky sell-off and a 300 point down down in the $DJIA at some point in the next week or two. Not exactly an earth-shattering prediction there, and not one, I’m necessarily trying to game. But you know there are other issues and reasons for markets to go down than just “debt ceiling negotiations”, right? It happens. Be ready just in case.

And don’t forget to check out the fastest growing social network on the Internet right now, Scutify – Real-time tweet feeds for each symbol, quotes, newsfeeds, and my personal favorite part of the app — the “Latest Scuttles” which are longer and better versions of market- and stock-related tweets.

Lover Boy – Everybody’s Workin for the Weekend – YouTube