Everything You Need to Know About Investing in Gold and Silver

Most people seem to fall into two disparate camps when it comes to gold and silver –

1. Goldbugs, who can cite a litany of well-reasoned and long-held beliefs explaining why gold and silver always have been and always will be a great holder of value.

2. Goldbears, who can cite a litany of well-reasoned and long-held beliefs explaining why gold and silver always have been and always will be a risky if not outright silly way of gambling on greater fools.

As I always preach, there’s no place for dogma when it comes to your money. You don’t have to be a conspiracy-theorist, anti-Fed, dollar bear paranoid to decide that putting away some physical gold and silver for the long-run is for you. Likewise, it’s always a good idea to be judicious about when and why and at what price you’re willing to buy something, and gold and silver are no exception to that.

At this point in time, with gold and silver prices down big from their recent highs and with all the ramifications and endgames of Wall Street, Washington, and global policies, especially since the 2008 TARP Bailouts changed everything, I am indeed physical buying gold and silver aggressively. But that doesn’t mean I think paying any price at any time for any physical gold and silver is a good idea. The ideas and concepts in this book are intended to be as timeless as possible, but prices, economies, policies and places will change and you’ll want to be as flexible as always in your investment and trading decisions.

Indeed, after being a vocal and outspoken precious metal bull for most of my early professional career, I turned into a gold bear a couple years ago as the metal’s ascent went parabolic. My readers and I even shorted some silver ETFs when silver spiked over $40 an ounce back in 2011 and we made some great money riding the crash down. I never did get a good bet put in place on gold near its top in late 2012, though my followers and I did catch a small part of gold’s 2013 crash on the short side.

Presently though, I am slowly but surely adding to my physical gold and silver coins and bullion and plan to keep doing so for the next year at least. I plan to have maybe about 10-15% of my assets in gold and silver by that time, which is a larger allocation than ever before in my life. I think the currency wars around the globe are still escalating in a race-to-the-bottom endgame.

I’ve bought some of several different versions of gold and silver coins. I don’t think it matters much which kind of gold bullion/coins you’re buying. They all will mostly reflect the price of the gold inside of them over time anyway.

The Republican/Democrat Regime (objectively my analysis shows absolutely no difference in any meaningful economic or geopolitical policy from either party) and the Federal Reserve have made it extraordinarily difficult for investors to find any kind of reasonable yield without taking on very high risk. You’ve heard it called “The Risk Trade” and it simply means that anybody who has any savings at all is being forced to invest in risky assets like stocks and the junkiest bonds or yet-to-be-discovered Ponzi schemes.

Like I said, I don’t have any simple solutions to finding yield in this environment and that’s because there isn’t one. You have to be vigilant and you have to continue to educate yourself with sources you can trust (like yours truly, frankly, and unlike most newspapers or cable news). If you use a financial advisor, make sure their incentives are aligned with yours and make sure you’ve gotten lots of references before sending any of your money in.

Let me be clear that we are talking about a process of buying only physical gold and silver coins and bullion that we can hold in our own hands, safety deposit boxes, safes, and backyards. I don’t want to invest in “paper silver” or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or even silver futures contracts. In short, that’s because the brokers and dealers of those products have far overpromised the amount of physical gold and silver they will likely ever be able to get their hands on.

Because physical gold and silver are not publicly traded, I’m not putting them into the official Revolution Investing portfolio. But I am adamant that at this time and place, buying physical gold and silver bullion and coins is key to any diversified Revolution Investing portfolio for those of you at home.

Finally, I’ve had literally millions of people read my recent articles on gold and silver around the world, receiving tens of thousands of emails at support@TradingWithCody.com asking for more details and info about investing in gold and silver. So I’ve worked my butt off on putting together a book on the topic which will be published in paperback and on Kindle in the next couple days. And as always, my TradingWithCody.com subscribers the book for free. Simply visit http://tradingwithcody.com/ebooks/everything-you-need-to-know-about-investing-in-gold-and-silver/ to read or download a sneak preview of the whole book.