Everything You Need To Know About SKTLs Space Crypto (And How To Register To Get The Airdrop)

Everything You Need To Know About SKTLs Space Crypto (And How To Register To Get The Airdrop)

I’m going to host a zoom call for anybody who’s interested in learning more about the SKTLs Space Cryptocurrency Thursday at 11am ET. Here’s the link. In the meantime, I highly suggest you get registered for the free SKTLs Airdrop, as there are only 100,000 available slots and they are filling up fast.

It just costs time for now…you can literally get some SKTLs Space Tokens before they start trading by simply registering for the airdrop. I’ve personally volunteered two months of my life helping to create this cryptocurrency which will help to clean up space debris, this single biggest impediment to humankind becoming interplanetary.

About SKTLs

  • The SKTLs cryptocurrency is held in units of SKTLs by enthusiasts who are optimistic about The Space Revolution and are rewarded with new tokens every time the space economy advances.
  • Half of all of SKTLs donated to pay for space debris clean-up.
  • Complete transparency.
  • No central control after token launch (pun intended).
  • No founder tokens.
  • The end goal is for SKTLs to become the de facto standard currency for outer space and Mars.

Launch Process

  • A total of 220,000,000 million tokens will be created for the initial (and only) airdrop.
  • Airdrop 100,000,000 tokens to anybody who enters their wallet information blindly (we don’t collect their information) into the Ethereum network before the drop on a pro-rata basis.
  • Airdrop 100,000,000 tokens to Space Cleaning Fund, which is controlled by holders of SKTLs on a pro-rata basis.
  • The token will start trading on several smaller exchanges immediately and people, including founders, will go out and start bidding for these tokens on those exchanges, setting the price.
    Later, if/when the SKTLs become actively enough traded and have a high enough market cap on these initial exchanges, the bigger exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, Robin Hood, etc will start to offer the token on their own.
  • The total number of SKTLs tokens that will ever be created will be topped out at 300,000,000 SKTLs tokens.


  • Tokens (called “SKTLs”) are created and distributed for each “Space Action” according to the following schedule for the first year (these numbers are cut in half for each successive year, such that the system is rewarding SKTLs holders for being early):
  • 100 SKTLs created for each satellite put in orbit around Earth.
  • 10,000  SKTLs for each astronaut above the Karman Line.
  • 100,000 SKTLs for any major piece of equipment landed on the moon.
  • 1,000,000 SKTLs for any human landing on the moon, or for any satellite put in orbit around a  non-Earth planets in our solar system or for any satellite sent out of the Solar System.
  • 5,000,000 SKTLs for any rover or major piece of equipment landed on any non-Earth planets in our solar system or for any rover or major piece of equipment rendezvous on any asteroid or comet.
  • 10,000,000 SKTLs for any human landing on a  non-Earth planets in our solar system.
  • 100,000,000 SKTLs for any human sent out of our Solar System.
  • Successful “Space Actions” will be determined using blockchain.

How It Gives Back
For every SKTLs token granted to the community of SKTLs token holders, another SKTLs token is always contributed to the Space Cleaning Fund. The Space Cleaning Fund donates 10% of its SKTLs token holdings every May 6 (Space Day).

SKTLs is based upon the principles of openness, transparency and fairness. SKTLs is completely decentralized. After we create the programs on Ethereum, the founders have no more control than anyone else. Each sktl token grants the right to one vote in the SKTLs community. The community, by voting proxy, determines which companies, universities, governments or other entities will receive SKTLs tokens to fund the Space Cleaning objective from the Space Cleaning Fund.

How It WorksDownload the MetaMask Crypto WalletGet a MetaMask wallet (SKTLs is not affiliated with MetaMask in any way).Sign Up for the AirdropSign up for the Airdrop on the SKTLs Airdrop Registration page (you must have a US or Canada phone number. One wallet registered per person — no exceptions! We don’t keep anybody’s phone numbers or any other information after the airdrop happens).Receive Your SKTLs on January 1, 2022With a target launch date of January 1, your SKTLs will Airdrop to your MetaMask wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SKTLs?

SKTLs is a space crypto helping to create a sustainable space economy.

Why do I want to be involved in SKTLs?

The single biggest impediment  to the space economy is the ever-growing problem of space debris, which is traveling in orbit at 17,000ish MPH, and SKTLs is here to help solve the problem.

How do I profit from this investment?

By creating a “social profit for good” platform that provides economic incentive to every human participating in SKTLs and provides liquidity to space debris cleanup companies SKTLs owners can be directly involved in helping the human species sustain life in space and therefore life here on Earth.

How does it create monetary value?

For one, it will help pay for space cleanup. SKTLs is the perfect currency for space, Mars and beyond.

I’m a space enthusiast, investor and am very passionate about space. Why should I support SKTLs?

SKTLs will help open up space to more opportunities without impacting space in a negative way.

How can I invest in space when all of the top space companies are private?

By owning SKTLs cryptocurrency you are directly invested in space and the success of all space companies and organizations.

Where did the name “SKTLs” come from?

SKTLs is short for Sky’s The Limit. Also, coincidentally, a skytale/scytale is a method of cryptography used especially by the Spartans in which a narrow strip of parchment was wound on a rod and the message written across the adjoining edges.

Why Space Debris Cleaning?

Space debris is perhaps the single biggest impediment to making humankind interplanetary. Learn more here.

How are new SKTLs tokens mined?

Essentially, the network “mines” new SKTLs whenever there’s a new space activity. Existing owners and the Space Cleaning Fund “mine” new tokens as the space economy grows, but like with bitcoin, it gets exponentially harder to create new SKTLs tokens as the years go by. Which leads us to our next FAQ…

Why does the number of SKTLs created for each successful “Space Action” get cut in half for each successive year?

To gradually slow the new supply of the currency, in order to limit future inflation while still allowing for the new tokens to be added to the supply in an ever slower manner. In 20 years, even a successful “Space Action” of sending a human beyond our solar system would only create 95 new SKTLs.

How do SKTLs become “valuable”?

The moment that the Airdrop recipients receive their SKTLs tokens, they will be free to sell them on peer-to-peer exchanges such as PancakeSwap and hopefully soon on an increasing number of cryptocurrency exchanges. The market value will be set by whatever price people/companies/governments/etc are willing to pay to get their own SKTLs tokens after the airdrop.

Does owning SKTLs mean that I’m helping clean up space?

Yes it does! By supporting the value of the SKTLS by holding and/or using the SKTLS tokens, you increase the amount of money that is donated to cleaning up space.

How many tokens will be created in total? Will there be an unlimited supply?

A total of 220,000,000 million tokens will be created for the initial (and only) airdrop. The total number of SKTLS tokens that will ever be created will be topped out at 300,000,000 SKTLs.

How do I get a wallet to get SKTLs? How do I find my first airdrop? How do I claim the monthly SKTLs rewards?

We have a whole page dedicated to walking you through how the airdrop and reward claims work. The start of the sign up period will commence on December 3 and will be announced over social media by the SKTLs accounts as well as by press release.

How do I buy more SKTLs?

You’ll be able to buy STKLs outright soon after the airdrop when the STKL tokens start trading on several smaller exchanges as the individuals who received the SKTLs airdrop choose to trade their SKTL tokens on such exchanges, including peer-to-peer exchanges such as Pancake Swap.

How do SKTLs token holders participate in the community? Is participation required?

SKTLs holders can actively participate in the ecosystem by generating proposals, active voting on award recipients, and increasing awareness for space exploration and space cleanup. SKTLs token holders are not required to provide liquidity or actively participate in the community, although we encourage your interest in space and space debris cleanup. Wallet holders receive awards related to space exploration. Participation in voting is highly encouraged but not required. We also welcome participation in our telegram community platform.

Who are the founders? Are there any founder tokens?

The founders are a group of space enthusiasts who came together to build SKTLs, the can be found here. There were no founder tokens allocated to the founding members. Rather, founders have come together to build this community for their interest in space and ability to help clean up space. We expect most of our founders to contribute a wallet for the original token drop — by being an early SKTLs holder along with any other interested people across the world!

How does the SKTLs token fund space debris clean up?

On inception, the SKTLs will reserve 50% of all tokens to an escrow fund which will reward entities for space debris cleanup and related research. The SKTLs token holders will vote annually on the recipients. The full process is described in our white paper and governance.

Does SKTLs fund specific launches or space missions?

Annual awards will be given to selected entities that are involved in space debris cleanup and research. The SKTLs community can propose award participants and the advisory council will select the top recipients. The winners will be selected by the by the community through a vote. The winners will be awarded a total of 10% of the outstanding number of tokens held by the escrow/treasury. A total of five entities can be award recipients each year. Details about voting governance can be found here.

How is the SKTLs token value determined?

This is a market based token community. Both supply and demand will depend on the community.

Why are you focused on space when the oceans and air need to be cleaned here on Earth?

Great question! We hope this community helps to open up communities for additional tokens. We plan to release an ocean and air token soon. Stay tuned.

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Since there will be a currency for outer space and Mars, it might as well be a virtuous one.SKTLs: The Space Debris Cleaning Cryptocurrency Founders Privacy Policy Anti-SpamFor full details on the SKTLs space cryptocurrency please click here for the SKTLs White Paper.

Follow Us On Twitter and Instagram.There is no guarantee that SKTL tokens will ever have any value. There is no guarantee that any space debris will ever be cleaned up by this effort. There is no guarantee that any entity will accept SKTL tokens. There is no guarantee that if one applies for the token drop tokens will be received. SKTLs, the Founders or any individual or entity will not be responsible if tokens are not received in the drop.Click here to visit the SKTLs Airdrop Registration Page and do it soon to make sure you are one of the first 100,000 people to register for the airdrop.

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