Everything you own is about to become smart

Stocks are bouncing with the DJIA climbing back towards 18k once again. Gold trying to edge above $1300. I’m writing up a Latest Positions breakdown and analysis for each and every one of our positions, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, here’s my report for today.

One of the biggest mistakes most tech investors make is that they take a look at where a certain technology is at a certain point of time and decide that innovation and entrepreneurial innovation has stopped. It’s best to remember that you can’t take a snapshot of the smartphone technology in 2016 and think that it has much relevance to what the smartphone technology in 2016.

Long time readers of mine know that there was no bigger bull on the Smartphone and App Revolutions than your truly. Smartphones, at least, have been mainstream for nearly a decade now and while the smartphone and app industries are still very much in their infancy, we’re also at least a couple innings into the 9 inning Smartphone Revolution. Smartphones and apps have created trillions of dollars in valuation over the first couple innings here and over the next six or seven innings, there will be tens of trillions of dollars in valuation created over the next twenty years or so.

These days, I’ve been shifting my focus to the burgeoning and still barely existent Wearables Revolution (and the Virtual Reality Revolution, the Robotics Revolution, the AI Revolution and the Drone Revolution – you get the idea, there are lots of tech revolutions setting up right now).

Most people look around today and think that the Fitbit bands and Apple Watch are the beginning and end of the Wearables Revolution. Remember Google Glass and how badly it failed? (I loved my Google Glasses, personally, by the way). Most people complain that Virtual Reality Goggles are uncomfortable and leave your face with red lines and marks. They’ll tell you that fitness trackers aren’t accurate enough and look ugly on your wrist.

People then go on to use these snapshots of where we are in the technological roadmaps the world is cruising on right now to explain why the Wearables and Virtual Reality Revolution are supposedly already over.

Au contraire. See, both of these burgeoning Tech Revolutions and so many others are just getting started. We haven’t even conceived of many of the incredible applications and innovations that Wearables and Virtual Reality Revolutions will bring to the world as they end up complementing and advancing each other.

For example, did you realize that in the next three to five years, SmartContacts will be hitting the marketplace? Sony (see this article), Samsung and Google (see this article) are all already working on various concepts of SmartContacts. The patent for SmartContactLenses that Sony just filed this week calls for the ability to record — and watch videos right from your own eyeballs.

You do realize that all those complaints about VR-Face redlines and uncomfortable viewing masks for Virtual Reality are going to be silly and moot in another five years when people put on their SmartContactLenses to play TakeTwo’s NBA 2K 2021 in five years? The idea that ugly rubber fitness trackers are relevant to the Fitness wearables and apps on your smartphone in 2021 is equally as silly. Wouldn’t a wearable skin implant to track your fitness and blood and sweat and other levels be a more likely future to ponder and to figure out how to invest in ahead of time?

Anything you can wear will be made “Smart” and will tie into your smartphone, which, in five more years, will be as smart as today’s best laptop computers.

So get ready for: Wearables Tattoos. Wearable skin implants. Smartclothing. SmartShoes. SmartGloves. SmartHats. SmartHeadbands. SmartSweatbands. SmartUmbrellas. SmartCrutches. SmartRings. SmartNecklaces. SmartFingerNails. SmartBras. SmartUnderwear. SmartSocks for diabetics.

Welcome to your Smart Future.

We’re looking at marketplaces that will create trillions of dollars sales in the next ten to twenty years.

There’s simply no stopping these Revolutions. So I’ll see you in the future.