Exclusive Reveal Of My New Space Cryptocurrency (And A Markets Note)

A quick note about the markets and the ugly action out there today before we jump into details about my new crypto. Well, the good news is that it’s nice to see valuations getting more reasonable and we are getting the opportunity to look for some nuggets of gold in the rubble of recent SPACs and IPOs. If you’ve been listening to the strategy I’ve been suggesting for most of the last few months — that is, positioned defensively and/or you have some cash you want to put to work and/or if you have been wanting to nibble on a name that’s being crushed, you might consider doing some nibbling today, nothing major. In the hedge fund I’m mostly just covering parts of most of my shorts. In my personal account, I’ve done nothing. This sell-off action lately is what I’ve been expecting to see and our playbook is set for us. Steady as she goes for now.
I’ve spent the last month learning how to create a cryptocurrency. It’s been incredibly insightful in revealing some of the intricacies of how so many of the 12,000+ cryptocurrencies out there were created, how Ethereum works in detail, and all kinds of other little insights about the crypto universe. It’s also helped me dig even further into the burgeoning Space Revolution and that has reinforced my belief that the the space industry is the next great Revolution we need to be in front of.
Today, I’m revealing my Space Cryptocurrency idea exclusively to you dear Trading With Cody subscribers. It’s called the Skytale (pronounced like the candy, “Skittles”) token and its symbol will be SKTL and we’re going to try to use the token for “Clearing The Way For The Space Revolution by using cryptocurrency to create a profit-driven social good.” Here’s how our space-centric cryptocurrency works (although we are still finalizing some of the details):
- The Skytale cryptocurrency is held in units of sktl’s by enthusiasts who are optimistic about The Space Revolution and are rewarded with new tokens every time the space economy advances.
- Half of all of sktls donated to pay for space debris clean-up
- No central control after token launch (pun intended).
- The end goal is for Skytale sktls to become the de facto standard currency for outer space and Mars.
- A total of 220,000,000 million tokens will be created for the initial (and only) airdrop.
- Tokens (called “sktl’s”) are created and distributed* for each “Space Action” according to the following schedule for the first year (these numbers are cut in half for each successive year):
- 100 sktl’s created for each satellite put in orbit around Earth
- 10,000 sktl’s for each astronaut above the Karman Line
- 100,000 sktl’s for any major piece of equipment landed on the moon
- 1,000,000 sktl’s for any human landing on the moon, or for any satellite put in orbit around a planet in our solar system or for any satellite sent out of the Solar System
- 5,000,000 sktl’s for any rover or major piece of equipment landed on any planet in our solar system or for any rover or major piece of equipment rendezvous on any asteroid or comet
- 10,000,000 sktl’s for any human landing on a planet in our solar system
- 100,000,000 sktl’s for any human sent out of our Solar System
You can read a lot more about it on our website: https://sktls.com. There are now about 20 people working on this space crypto product, from developers to old retired dudes working on our White Paper. We held our first zoom call on Saturday. We’re doing another one on Wednesday at 3pm ET. We’re still looking for some help with our website development, our marketing, our social media presence, so if you think you can help with one of those areas or if you think you can help in another way, please join us for the zoom call Wednesday (please email skytalesktls@gmail.com us for details about the call).
To be clear, there are no founder tokens or payment or ways to “invest” in this project. Skytale is based upon the principles of openness, transparency and fairness. Skytale is completely decentralized. After we create the programs on Ethereum, the founders have no more control than anyone else. Each sktl token grants the right to one vote in the Skytale sktl community. The community, by voting proxy, determines what companies, universities, governments or other entities receive Skytale sktl tokens to fund the Space Cleaning objective from the Space Cleaning Fund. The five entities that receive the most votes each year, get 20% of that year’s grant. By the way, this same concept for a cryptocurrency that does social good through profit motive will be applied to other social needs, including cleaning the ocean, feeding the hungry, etc and we plan to tackle those social needs next. Stay tuned.
Obviously, I’m going to have more to say about this and other cryptocurrencies and how to invest in space and so on. I also have a new stock pick or two that I’m hard at work on, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, be careful out there.

Since there will be a currency for outer space and Mars, it might as well be a virtuous one.
Skytale sktl: The Space Debris Cleaning Cryptocurrency