Facebook’s either desperate or still really hacked or both (but I’m still holding the stock)

I’m headed to NYC with my wife and 4-year-old daughter tomorrow night on a redeye flight for a series of 8 meetings and a half-day hedge fund conference. I expect I’ll get a lot of insights, ideas and analysis on the trip, so look for that next week.
In the meantime though, I’ve got some analysis for you, starting with yet more Facebook disgust from me.
You guys know I haven’t logged back into Facebook since they haven’t bothered to email me to notify me that they let my account get hacked, much less a way to log in and see everything that was compromised in my Facebook account. Instead, Facebook has started spamming my phone with spam text messages. Look at this crap:

You’ll see that I never received anything but password/privacy-centric texts from Facebook for years, since the day I apparently gave them my cell phone number (which is now probably in hacker’s hands — matter of fact, maybe these text messages are being sent from the hackers?) and now I’m being blasted by Facebook spam text messages daily!
By the way, I don’t even know what Ruidoso New Mexico Yard Sale is and don’t you just love how they even invade all these other people’s privacy and even my wife’s privacy by telling me she’s commented on someone’s post? Did they ask her if it was okay to text me that? Not that she’d care that I know she commented on someone’s post, but why is Facebook pushing that information out to me?
Is Facebook this desperate to get me back on their platform? Or are hackers sending me spam links that will let them into my new iMac Pro (which I love by the way)?
There’s a lot of negativity in Facebook’s stock right now and as I’ve noted recently, it’s not terribly expensive based on current estimates. I don’t think any of my personal anger and the anecdotes of people like me dropping Facebook is going to be enough to counter the growth momentum of Instagram and the slowly ongoing monetization of Whatsapp, so I’m still holding the remainder of the Facebook shares I’ve owned since the stock was in the low $20s after its post-IPO crash. But man, I’m still so sick of Facebook.
Speaking of Apple, while I love my new iMac Pro with its big 5k screen and blazing speeds, I can’t help but laugh when I notice the difference between the anger that people on Twitter have about “Apple Siri” vs the positive vibes of “Amazon Alexa.” I’m flabbergasted that Apple can get smartphones, apps, laptops, services, privacy and so many other things so right and they can’t make people stop hating Siri. I’ll stick with the remainder of both my long-held Apple and Amazon positions too.
Let’s do this week’s Trading With Cody Live Q&A Chat tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 9am ET. I’ll also take questions over the phone on our conference call line (Dial-in: 641-715-0700 Access Code: 709981) or just hit reply on this email to send us your question.