Family first

My littlest daughter, Amaris, is not feeling well. My wife, her father and our daytime caregiver took her to the hospital in Albuquerque yesterday. She’s still not feeling well today, so I’m taking my other daughter up with me to help out and be with her.

I have a lot of notes and analysis from my trip to Las Vegas last week but obviously, they’ll have to wait for another time. As it is a holiday-shortened week anyway, I don’t know if I’ll get another post out to you this week and I apologize for that but I know you understand.

I’m not much in a market analysis mindset right now, but with the DJIA hitting all-time highs, I just want to remind you that you don’t want to be greedy right now. Nothing wrong with being patient, being defensive, taking some profits. Remember how hard it was the last time the DJIA was down 10-20% from its highs? Keep balance in your portfolio.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes.