Fox Business Appearance Today (And A Market Note)

If you have been losing sleep over your stocks, now might be a nice time to lighten up, even just a little bit. In the hedge fund, I’ve been nibbling on some puts on SMH and ITWO, just slightly out of the money and dated out a week or three. But those are hedges for a hedge fund. In my personal account, I’m looking at all my positions and sitting tight for now. I am going through the portfolio with a fine tooth comb and will probably remove at least one name. I’ll let you know tomorrow if I do so.

I’ll be on Fox Business talking about The Space Revolution during the 2pm ET hour, by the way. Should be fun. I’ll be writing up a big analysis update on The Space Revolution in coming days too, so stay tuned for that. I’ll also do a markets and economics analysis update this week too.

Be careful out there, be patient as always and don’t get greedy.