Full speed in NYC

I’m in NYC on business and have been running around this city full-speed since I got here. You forget how much more walking you do in this city than in most any other until you get here and your legs are all sore on the second day. Already had a couple sit downs with key contacts this morning and this afternoon, I’m meeting my old friends Aaron Task (Digital Editor of Fortune Magazine) and Richard Edelman (CEO of Edelman PR) and will be having dinner tonight with Matt Mastrangelo (Chief Revenue Officer of Playboy) and David Fleck (GM at Disqus, formerly of Google/YouTube). I’ll be doing a lot of listening and asking questions and learning.

I’m afraid I don’t think I’ll be able to make today’s Live Q&A Chat but I have several people who have emailed me questions for it already today, and if you have any questions you want me to address, I will email you back with an answer and publish a Q&A transcript for all of you tomorrow.

No trades for me either today.