Gerald Celente joins Cody to talk Blockchain Democracy, Gold, Cryptos, and The Next Crash

With the stock markets at or near all-time highs (along with complacency) I’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately (maybe more than usual!) trying to figure out what, if anything, might cause the Bubble-Blowing Bull Market to top and/or the economy to tank.
In that vein, I reached out to one of the most famous and insightful trend forecasters on the planet, Gerald Celente, who publishes Trends Research and he joined me on this week’s The Cody Willard Show. You can watch the full unedited show here on YouTube or here on Facebook. We covered a lot of ground, including:
- What will crash the economy and the markets next? And when?
- Whether you should buy gold, GLD, gold futures or other precious metals.
- Is there a future for bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies?
- Can “blockchain democracy” save the United States?

Here’s the mostly unedited transcript:
Speaker 1: Coming up on The Cody Willard Show. Should we judge Trump by the company he keeps? Gerald Celente joins Cody to talk about when will the next crash come plus they’ll talk gold and bitcoin and sports with Ross the boss. The Cody Willard Show is brought to you by Trading with Cody dot com.
Cody Willard: I am indeed the eponymous Cody Willard. I’m thrilled to bring on actually our first ever guest here on The Cody Willard Show. A good friend, excellent economist, forecast extraordinaire, forecaster extraordinaire, Gerald Celente. Thanks for joining me.
Gerald Celente: Ah, what a privilege it is to be on with you. I’ve always enjoyed back in the old days it was the best show that I’ve ever been on and now I’m on the next best one I’ve ever been on. So, thank you for having me.
Cody Willard: I’m sure, like you though, I miss Rebecca, Rebecca Diamond. I’m going to have her on as a guest and maybe I’ll have all three of us on at the same time so you guys always had such great chemistry when you and I would be debating economics and she would cut in with a great question or two for us too. So, but at any rate, Gerald, I just want to get the news of the day out of the way real quick. Manafort, Cohen, Trump associates, guilty, pleading guilty, found guilty. All in the span of about an hour yesterday afternoon. Markets haven’t budged about it at all. What’s your takeaway? Should we be concerned about the President himself being open to prosecution or something?
Gerald Celente: It’s not gonna affect the markets. It has nothing to do with it and that’s what the mainstream media keeps doing each day. They keep putting out a story whether it’s on tariffs or trade or North Korea or whatever. That’s not moving the markets, the markets are moving for other reasons and it’s earnings, cheap money and tax cuts. That’s about it.
Cody Willard: Targeted tax cuts, of course. It’s not across the board only the really rich and the corporations got the tax cut. I think my tax might be up, the taxes might be up this year.
Gerald Celente: Well actually according to the tax policy center, eighty-two percent of the cuts went to that lovely one percent. The rest of us got peanuts and when you look at real inflation rate and earnings where people are making everything is down. But, going back to no, this isn’t going to make a difference to the markets at all. It gets me about it is how all these Democrats want to get rid of Trump and I’m like you I’m a political atheist I don’t believe in any of this stuff. I don’t take sides on any of it, they don’t represent me. The Democrats and the Republicans, to me they’re the Bloods and the Crips, murderers and thieves. So, you know-
Cody Willard: We’re on the same page with that.
Gerald Celente: I’m not making that up, I mean on the thieving, how about making something up called too big to fail. It’s an athematic to capitalism and capitalism is no such thing. It’s the merger state and corporate powers when you have too big to fail, that’s called fascism.
Cody Willard: Is that not what they’re doing now under Trump too with too big, too farming to fail or something? I mean, we got bailouts for farmers, we’ve got … but on that note, I just wanted to hit, you mentioned before we got on air that you had read something I wrote yesterday on Trading with Cody about how I’m equally disdainful towards both Trump and Obama and you said you are in the same camp. But, I got a lot of angry responses from both Trump lovers and from Obama lovers saying how dare I put that one in the camp of the other one. But, whether the wars are still going on. Our country is still bombing children in the middle east on a daily basis. Guantanamo’s still open, whether it was Obama or Trump these things are still happening. Bailouts, every emergency measure under for the federal reserve that was created in that too big to fail environment that you mentioned, still in existence. What is the difference, Gerald, between Republicans and the Democrats?
Gerald Celente: They’re the Bloods and the Crips, they’re murderers and thieves, you just got through the murder part. I just got back from D.C. I was a speaker at Ron Pearl’s Peace and Prosperity conference and it’s about anti-war. All of the founding fathers, no foreign entanglements. So, going back to it, it’s really no difference between either of them. Matter of fact as I was mentioning the Democrats can’t wait to get rid of Trump. Oh, so they can bring in Pence, wouldn’t that be lovely? What a cat he is. They’ll make you really great, again.
Gerald Celente: And again you look at the Democrats and hypocrisy, they just voted, what, Trump’s big budget for the defense. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars. Forty one Democratic senators voted for and seven voted against it. A hundred and thirty-nine in house representatives voted for it. Only forty-nine voted against it. So, there is no difference. It’s only a difference style and the reason I like Trump so much more than any of the other ones. Is that he shows what a freak show it is. Obama was able to look into the camera with that arrogant attitude of his and folks, folks and I’m doing this, folks, I’m gonna close Guantanamo first day in office, folks, yeah you folks-
Cody Willard: You know Gerald on that note it drives me crazy that any … again it’s the hypocrisy of the Democrats slash Liberal which I’m not Republican or Conservative. They’re all hypocrites. But, when a Democrat or Liberal will somehow try to rationalize Obamacare and say “Hey, at least Obama did something for the poor”. No, Obamacare was a trillion dollar giveaway to giant corporations. Every health care company that helped write that bill is up five hundred or a thousand percent in the last ten, eight, nine years since they passed Obamacare. That was not for the poor, the bill itself was written by the corporations that profiteered on it.
Gerald Celente: Yeah and it’s the same thing when you talk about Trump and how about Obama’s Libyan war, wasn’t that a beautiful one. How about a sod house to go. You know, one after another. It killed four thousand innocent with drone strikes and quoted in the book double down, quote “I’m really good at killing people”. So, again the hypocrisy going back to what happened with Cohen and Manafort. Wouldn’t that be great to get rid of Trump and then you can bring in Pence. I mean, Jesus.
Cody Willard: So, Gerald this underscores what you and I were actually trying to get to here and that is the economy and the stock market itself and what would cause a crash. People are delusional, whether you are Liberal and you think Democrats are on your side or whether you’re Conservative and you think Republicans are on your side or whether you think that the economy is sustainable at this rate but then again I don’t think it’s gonna crash tomorrow. I’m always on the look out for the next crash but at this point is it still bubble blowing bull market territory. What changes this economy and market. What’s the catalyst, Gerald?
Gerald Celente: I think it has to be a wildcard event. I’m in the same camp as you. You know you hear all these people coming out saying it’s gonna crash in 2020, gonna crash in 2020 and it’s too many people saying it for that kind of thing to happen usually. But, that doesn’t mean it won’t but I believe it’s going to be a wildcard event and the wildcard event that I believe is going to be oil prices. And, go back to the last recession and the one before. Oil prices spiked just before the crash happens or the big market decline and with Trumps Iranian policy and the hatred that America’s selling to an Iran and the coalition of the killing that is the Saudi’s, the Israeli’s and the United States going after Iran. Any kind of violence breaks against Iran, watch oil prices spike to the hundred dollar a barrel mark. Something like that, Cody, I believe will crash the markets around the world and heres why, among other reasons.
Gerald Celente: Oils petrol dollars, oils based in dollars. You take a place like India. What do they get? Eighty percent of their energy is imported. Where is the Rupee now? Oh, it’s down over seven percent against a dollar this year. Ah, and how about all those over emerging market currencies that are crashing. Well, they’ve got the Turkish inflation rate now as what, a hundred and one percent. Take a trip to Argentina. You know go around the world. South Africa, look at the emerging market currencies. So, dollar based so something like oil could really crash the markets because as we know the markets in the United States are being pumped up by cheap money. You’re looking at a trillion dollars according to the Goldman Sachs gang of stock buy backs for 2018. And, that’s because of Trump’s tax cuts that allow them to repatriate all that money overseas and of course the tax cuts-
Cody Willard: And Gerald of course it’s also based on what Obama did with his tax policies and the zero percent interest rates under every administration over the last twelve or thirteen years. It’s all sort of a manipulated economy, people can call it mixed economy or something but it is so controlled very much socialist very much towards the path of fascism as you and I define it which is the original definition that government and business get married, get in the same business together. They are no longer separate entities and or separated and let’s take this then away from the markets and necessarily hey, we don’t know when it’s gonna crash. I do expect they’ll be another crash at least one or two in my lifetime. Gerald, what about gold? What’s your take on gold, is that the one place that you think we need to keep buying. Real estate gold, what are your places that you would maybe buy somewhere?
Gerald Celente: It ties into it and again what will crash the markets. What brought the markets into correction territory back in February? Aggressive interest rate hikes, lets tie it all together. Aggressive interest rate hikes, stronger dollar, gotta pay more for all the commodities based in dollars. The markets as you pointed out, they’ve been artificially blown up with things that they never taught us in economics 101 or graduate school and that is zero interest rate policy, negative interest rate policy now the countries around the world and also quantitative easing. Never heard these words before so as you pointed out it’s been going on since Obama, well actually on the Bush with the bailouts that began and continuing.
Gerald Celente: So, what will bring the markets down? The same thing that’s bringing gold prices down. Higher interest rates. The stronger the dollar gets, the weaker gold gets. Our forecast Cody is that and I don’t give financial advice. Only speaking for myself, first I’ll say the forecast. We believe gold is at the bottom. Primarily because mining companies have stopped putting money into it right now. They’re not making any dough. It cost on average about twelve hundred dollars an ounce to pull gold out of the ground. What’s gold selling for now? Around twelve hundred. It went down a little low into the eleven eighties. We believe it’s at the bottom. I began my career as a trend forecaster, I was a chief government affair specialist for the chemical industry back in-
Cody Willard: Don’t admit to that, Gerald.
Gerald Celente: Yeah, there’s a photo there of me and Ronald Reagan in 1976, two days before he’s announcing that he’s running for office. Anyway, I’ve been at D.C. enough and I’ve been around long enough. When Jimmy Carter came back from Iran and said the Shah was the island of stability in the middle east. That’s when I became a political atheist. I knew the thing was going to collapse and I started trading gold and oil futures and I did a five thousand dollar bet and I made almost three quarters of a million dollars and that’s when I quit my job. But, also I lost most of it too. I’m a young guy, I don’t know what I’m doing you know. But, anyway if I was gambling now I’d be buying gold futures. I believe gold is at the bottom. I’m not giving financial advice but to me that’s the bet.
Cody Willard: Gerald, I don’t like the idea of buying gold futures, I’m an advocate of buying outright boulevards and especially coins. I’ve had coins stolen from me so there is no perfect solution but if there is another major economic financial crisis. Those too big to fail banks that are going to be begging the government for bailouts again are not going to honor your gold futures contract.
Gerald Celente: Oh, no, no. I’m just talking about gambling. That’s all I was just talking about in that end. You know if you’re a gambler, you’re playing the markets that’s something you might want to consider.
Cody Willard: What’s your timeframe for that gold futures gamble, if it’s a shorter timeframe I’m fully on board.
Gerald Celente: I’d be going out and buying the furthest futures I could buy. Where ever that is right now and but on the other angle I’ve been buying gold, gold coins and gold bars since 1978. So, I’m a firm believer of buying gold and so I buy the physical as well and then again in other ways that I can do it in my IRA. You know I buy GLDs because my retirement account and that’s the only way I could buy it. So I buy it like that too.
Cody Willard: I personally do occasionally trade the GLD. I think gold is also in the bottom of even a short term trade. I wrote about this on Trading with Cody recently. I would be buying the GLD, if only for a trade but I don’t like the GLD for a long term IRA holding again because I think when that next financial market crisis happens and the banks and the markets crash. Golds going through the roof and I want my GLD redeemed. I don’t trust the next financial crisis, I’ve seen how the banks didn’t honor their contracts and then went and got the government to take care of them the last time. Last topic for you, Gerald. Bitcoin, if you can talk a little Bitcoin-ish, Cryptocurrency. Not necessarily just Bitcoin but is there a future for crypto anti-fiat currencies as I might call it.
Gerald Celente: Yes, we believe there is and one of the reasons why is that the world is going cashless and people aren’t tied to their coin of the realm as they used to be. No greater example than in China. People aren’t using cash or credit card, it’s an app. So, there’s nothing there, and the reason why Bitcoin really took off was because of the alternative fiat currency. What’s brought it down mostly, your government actions to stop it from happening. Here’s what we’re looking at. When you see the majors getting into it, again whether it’s Goldman Sachs and others that are setting up trading desks and doing different things in cryptocurrencies. We believe it’s going to stay when the establishment keeps getting into it. So, does it have more of a downturn? I don’t know.
Cody Willard: Do you own any cryptocurrencies at this point?
Gerald Celente: Yes.
Cody Willard: I’ve owned Bitcoin believe it or not for five years since a hundred dollars or so. I’ve been selling it. I sold a bunch when it was in above tens of thousands when it was in the thousands of dollars. I even wrote a book believe it or not that was published the day that Bitcoin hit twenty thousand bucks, my book was published called “The Great Cryptocurrency Crash” and I’ve been predicting that but I also believe that there is a future for cryptocurrencies because if you’re in Argentina or Turkey. Your currency is crashing constantly. Every developing nation is constantly struggling to maintain value of their fiat government issued currency and if you live in any of those countries, you’ll always trade your Denar for a dollar and Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. That concept gives you an alternative to that.
Cody Willard: Do you just buy a basket of them at this point or do you continue to buy them as they go down? I’ve actually just started nibbling some alternative currencies besides Bitcoin in the last couple three months, Gerald, and so I do believe there’s some out there. I want to start bidding the same time I expect they’re probably gonna go down another fifty or ninety percent and I’ll be buying a little bit more all the way down. What’s your take on actually buying them at this stake?
Gerald Celente: Well you know, I don’t know. I couldn’t give a recommendation on it but I agree with you on what you’re saying. Again, before we were talking about the emerging market currencies. Look what’s going on in Venezuela or that new currency by the way they just came out with. What do they call it? The Petro. It’s crypto. They just got rid of their boulevards, they’re in real trouble over there but if you’re living in Venezuela and you can afford gold or anything else. Are you going to buy a crypto or hold on to the worthless currencies. Look, there’s a crisis going on you mentioned in Argentina. What do they have a forty-five percent interest rate. I mean, that’s off the charts. Again, look what’s going on in Turkey, Indonesia, India. Name the country, watch your currencies decline.
Gerald Celente: So, yes I believe there’s a future in it. What to buy? I don’t know, and again going back to gold. I believe in holding gold as well. The solid metal. I only do the ETS because I’m an older cat and I got to put it into a retirement account. So I got to put the money into that so I don’t get taxed to death.
Cody Willard: And Gerald that’s a great point, right. I mean, there’s always these tax games that the government has created that you and I have to jump through the hoops and it’s yet another underscoring point of how there’s an underline demand for an alternative to a monopolistic government issued currency like we have in this country and most every other citizen of this planet as to deal with. Last word, Gerald.
Gerald Celente: I have a solution on how to change it and it ties into cryptocurrencies. Blockchain Democracy. Let’s vote online. What are we going to polling places, I mean grow up what is this, the 1870s. What are we doing that for, we could vote online. You got Blockchain, it’s blocked. It’s better than hanging chads, it’s better than the BS crap that we have to put up with every time we go voting. If you-
Cody Willard: But, Gerald it’s so easy to go in and pull one of the levers. I’m Liberal, I better pull the Democrat lever. Well, I’m Conservative, I’ll pull the Republican lever. I did my job, I’m a good citizen of this country. I’m a good patriot.
Gerald Celente: So, with Blockchain Democracy. We the people vote on the major issues. Like they do in Switzerland, haven’t been in a war there since the 1850s. One of the richest countries in the world. Direct Democracy, people vote. Little Pauli Ryan. Lindsey needs to come out of the closet yet Graham. Nancy out of her mind Pelosi. Dianne not so fine Feinstein. Little Chucky Schumer. Don’t represent me. I want direct Democracy. Oh, the people are so stupid. How about the jerks that are running congress? Are they dumber than you are? Direct Democracy, Blockchain Democracy. The 21st century system the individual and state freedom. We the people tell the little boys and girls what to do rather than them telling us what to do.
Cody Willard: Spoken like a true millennial. Oh, wait. Nah, just a total honor and thrill to have you on with me the Cody Willard Show. Thank you, thanks, Gerald Celente so much for joining us as our inaugural guest. I’m going to have to ask and beg him to come back much more often. Thanks so much, Gerald. We’ll be right back, folks.
Speaker 10: No matter where you turn, the news is slanted left or right. That’s why people are watching The Cody Willard show.
Cody Willard: How can we recreate non-partisan news using technology?
Speaker 10: He’s an independent freethinker.
Cody Willard: You tackle poor people when they’re on welfare when it’s the rich people and the giant corporations that are using welfare.
Speaker 10: Whether it’s investing or politics. He’s trying to be objective. The Cody Willard Show. Watch the show online and download the podcast.
Cody Willard: Welcome back folks. It is time to introduce my main man, Ross the Boss.
Ross the Boss: Hi, I’m Ross the Boss and I want to talk sports with you, cowboy. Welcome, beautiful Wednesday, third week of August. We got football going on. Raider fan listen to me, we’re building you a stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada, raider fan. One point eight billion, you know what we’re adding to that stadium, a jail and a courthouse. You know why? Because you can’t control your alcohol, you’re belligerent, you get violent when your teams losing. So we’re building you a jail inside the stadium. Can you imagine calling your wife and saying I’m in jail in Vegas at the stadium of the Oakland, used to be the Las Vegas Raiders. It’s unbelievable [inaudible 00:26:01] inside their stadium. This is a first, Cody. The first ever.
Cody Willard: It sounds like a good Seinfeld episode. Do you remember the episode, didn’t Seinfeld or someone get arrested for urinated in a parking structure or something?
Ross the Boss: Yes.
Cody Willard: And they had a jail in the-
Ross the Boss: In the mall.
Cody Willard: In the mall, that’s it. Just more of the same. The more things change the more they stay the same. That’s great Ross the Boss.
Ross the Boss: So the Raiders, congratulations. The shoe fits, wear it. You can’t control yourself. I know I’m a Bengal fan, I like Cincinnati but I won’t wear a jersey at a Raider game if they’re playing the Raiders. I’m afraid of my own safety, so there you go. The truths out there. Talking about football, the new helmet rule, they’ve been calling penalties like crazy in pre-season. Richard Sherman went out on Twitter and said “Listen, this is changing the game, I can’t do my job, I can’t hit people anymore. You try going full speed and not hitting somebody with your helmet, it’s impossible” and he’s right, he’s right. Belichick actually went on the radio yesterday and says he showed his players twenty five different videos of penalties of using your helmet, this is what you can’t do. He actually says yeah we can probably do these rules but you know what, my opinion being an ex football player, I don’t think they can play football without using your helmet.
Cody Willard: Tom Brady should go over to Richard Sherman or at least Tweet him and say “You mad bro?”.
Ross the Boss: Talking about pre-season. It’s impossible to predict pre-season, players aren’t playing. Todd Gurley hasn’t suited up for one game yet. Goff, the quarterback for the Rams, he hasn’t suited up for one game yet. None of the players play, the coach at Rams said “So, listen, I might not play any of my star players until the season starts”. Is that good? Well, they might be rusty. I don’t know. Is it bad? They might get hurt. It’s a great question, it’s a great debate. I don’t have an answer on that because he’s got-
Cody Willard: The answer is kill pre-season. It is a terrible idea, Kansas City had like 6 players get injured in one game. Pre-season. Millions, tens of millions dollars on the line for many of those individual knees.
Ross the Boss: I agree but there’s people like Baker Mayfield that are rookies in the league that want to prove themselves. They want to get a job.
Cody Willard: So what, Kurt Warner had to bag groceries and wait for four injuries at the right time in the wrong place to get his shot. Sorry Baker Mayfield, you don’t get pre-season ’cause you’re risking thirty-five year old quarterback knees.
Ross the Boss: Yeah, but lets Baltimore. There’s three quarterbacks in Baltimore. There’s Lamar Jackson, Heisman Trophy winner. You got Griffin and you also got Joe Flacco. All three quarterbacks fighting for that job and the only way to prove it is, is in pre-season. So, I agree with you, I don’t like pre-season but then I disagree because I think it’s important that people can earn their winning spot on a team. You know what I mean? It’s a place where they can go and try to win a job. So I’m kind of torn on it but it’s boring to watch. I stopped watching pre-season football, I’m done with it. I’m no longer watching pre-season. I turned it off.
Cody Willard: I didn’t like watching it ’cause it made it feel like it was Autumn. It’s still Summer time, I’m not in a rush to get to the fall. Ross, last topic, what do you got?
Ross the Boss: Last topic. College football, pre-season polls came out yesterday. Alabama one, Clemson two, Georgie, Wisconsin and then Ohio State.
Cody Willard: Oh, that’s shocking.
Ross the Boss: I don’t like the pre-season polls. I think it’s a waste of time. We haven’t seen these teams play yet, all of a sudden there’s pre-season polls. These are the top five teams in the country, this is just reputation. Just put Notre Dame put Michigan put all the teams that are regularly in this poll and just pick them out of a hat. It doesn’t matter. Alabama will always be number one in the next 10 years. Starting this season. There’s no way they’ll be number two. My number one team right now is Clemson, they have a lot of returners coming back, remember Alabama lost twelfth place in the NFL. I mean, they’ll be good, I don’t know if they’re as good as Clemson though.
Cody Willard: I got a number one pick. I can actually pick the number one team from the basketball season. Duke, every year. It’s either Duke or Kentucky is gonna be number one ranked. I mean, it’s the same thing, right. It’s such a waste of time, ink, I don’t want to see them headline.
Ross the Boss: So, don’t pay attention to pre-season polls just throw it away. Football season starts in two weeks in college football. There’s some great games, Auburn, Michigan. There’s Auburn’s play Washington. There’s some great games going on. I’m excited about college football. We’ll talk more when we have more time. I’m Ross the Boss and I love talking sports with you, cowboy.
Cody Willard: Ross the Boss in the house is always, I got to flip forward my next page, I folded the sheets. Let’s do some Q&A.
Chris McHugh: Hey, lets do some Q&A, Cody from-
Cody Willard: Chris McEwan in the house.
Chris McHugh: Whoa, hey, how’s it going?
Cody Willard: Hi Chris.
Chris McHugh: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, Cody. Cody if you were to put all of your eggs into an investing basket say for the next three to five years. What stocks would they be and why?
Cody Willard: I would go find some marijuana penny stocks. Do not ever buy penny stocks, there’s an actual PSA. We ran a couple of public service announcement, those commercials while we were pulling up Ross on the commercial break. There’s your actual public service announcement, do not ever buy penny stocks. I know one of my viewers actually wrote me about one recently and I told him it’s a total scam and he said he put fifty bucks into it. I said you’re gonna lose it. Cody, if I was to put stocks in a basket for the next three to five years, heres how you do it.
Cody Willard: Number one, before you make any trade, step back and catch your breath, rank your positions individually and your whole portfolio and make sure your not about to make any emotional moves, you don’t want to be greedy and you don’t want to be fearful. If you have not yet read my number one best selling amazon book, amazon best seller, “Everything you need to know about Investing”. Go to Trading with Cody dot com, you can put your email address in there, I’ll send you a free pdf copy of it. Do so, it’s only a couple of hours to read it. It’s a Q&A format. Some good stuff in there that any retail especially a new investor that’s looking for something for the next three to five years should learn. Then, by the way you can go to Trading with Cody dot com, find my own latest positions. I rank all of my positions on a scale of one to ten. Ten being perfect, sell the farm, there is no such thing. Zero, one, being, oh no this things going bankrupt, I wish I could sell it but I can’t. Never had one of those.
Cody Willard: At any rate, be careful out there. That is your answer. You have to slowly but surely find some stocks. I just can’t throw you a name or two. Apple, that’s probably good stock I’ve owned it since it was at a dollar per share. Next, Chris.
Chris McHugh: Alright. Cody, many stocks, mostly China related have been taken down hard with all the tariffs and trade talk. Are there any that you would consider for a trade or investment?
Cody Willard: Best stock picks in China. Number one, I always tell people it’s hard enough to trust the companies who report the earnings that you invest in here in the United States. It’s hard enough to trust the regulators in the United States but then to trust that in a Communist country in China. Probably not a good idea, I do not buy Chinese stocks very often. I don’t own any at this particular moment. If I were to buy a Chinese stock, it would be Baidu or Tencent. I’ve said that for ten years, five years, however long they’ve been public. Still like those two but I do not personally invest in Chinese stocks ’cause I don’t trust their numbers, I don’t trust their regulators, I don’t trust they’re structure, their system or anything. Chris.
Chris McHugh: Alright, Cody. Everybody’s happy. Guests are happy. Chatroom’s happy. We got a show, baby.
Cody Willard: That was great. I got to thank Gerald Celente again. I got to thank Ross the Boss. I got to thank Chris McEwan. Peace, love and happiness, people.