Get educated about BitCoin and the Currency Wars (and the tech wars too)

I’m going to start writing a lot more about The Currency Wars. Global currency wars, the BitCoin Currency Bubble, and how all this is causing the Giant Stock Market Bubble I’ve been preparing for is finally here.

Let’s start with a few resources on these topics today (along with a few Must-Read articles for every investor and trader) and stay tuned for much more analysis and news on this Currency War topic from me here on Marketwatch and on

Real-time BitCoin to Dollar Chart – I’ve seen a huge demand from readers and subscribers for more information about BitCoin, so we created a real-time chart, news and #bitcoin twitter feeds page where you can get all the lates on this wild new currency.

BitCoin is a Ponzi Scheme: The Internet Currency Will Collapse – Most serious investors and traders (including my colleagues in the Platinum Chat Room — free this week for Marketwatch readers) are writing BitCoin off as a bubble or a scam. I’m leery that this first attempt at a global private currency is not well-enough protected and centralized. But to write off the whole idea is to miss an incredibly important economic development of our time.

Paul Volcker is “too old” for bitcoin – Like I said above, whether BitCoin is the real-deal or not, isn’t the point. Private, competing currencies are in our future. This article is hilarious and sad all at the same time. Paul Volcker is “too old” for Bitcoin.

The BitCoin to dollar value could fall 99% and the early investors, from just a few months ago, would still be up 1000%s of percent.

And the other major topic for today that you should be reading on top of is this whole PC vs. smartphone/tablet war.

Intel a Value Trap? – Is the best value investor in the market buying or selling Intel? I included INTC in my recent Best Dividend Revolution Stocks earlier this week.

TradingWithCody Chief Guide Elad Ryba on Microsoft, ecosystems and how to invest in tech – Elad and I first met over ten years ago after he’d been subscribing to my service for a few years. Leveraging his own instincts, discipline, style with my macro-economic Revolution Investing approach to riding the cycles of the market while buying the most innovative and fastest-growing tech companies on the planet — Elad has had a lot of steady, long-term results for his investors. Here’s his first article and boy is it a good one.

H-P and Microsoft blasted after IDC data on PC sales – Good round up of the action today.

I’m sticking with my own approach of holding onto these bubbling stocks that I loaded up on much lower. I’ve got Facebook, Sandisk, Amazon and some of these others that I think are ready to take us to yet new highs next. And I’ll trim down and hedge further as this bubble blows up bigger. And I’m buying some BitCoins.