Growing up with civilization’s entire knowledge base at your finger tips

Growing up with civilization’s entire knowledge base at your finger tips

The big news overnight is obviously the Japanese stock market crash following the recent Japanese stock market blow off top. Is the Fed QE the only thing keeping our own stock market up near the recent highs?

Deep thought of the day – Every baby in the US is being reared on smartphones and tablets in the same way we were reared on broadcast TV in the same way the greatest generation was reared on the radio in the same way our ancestors were reared on books. Remember my “Flip It” phrase about how Orwell had it wrong — it’s LITTLE SISTER IS WATCHING YOU.

Lil Moses
I’m growing up with the civilization’s entire knowledge base at my finger tips. If you’ll stand up to the government for me.

All these kids learning to interact with the world on a free platform with free distribution for their thoughts, ideas and politics are in a position to truly democratize democracy itself. The status quo, both parties who have been equally in power throughout my lifetime, want to police those thoughts, ideas and politics.

Are you scared to visit the “wrong” website now that you know more about the extent and aim of the NSA’s digital surveillance initiatives? Would you rather bet on the Republican Democrat Regime and the NSA and the CIA and the FBI to guide our nation, our society and our economy into the future? Or would you rather bet on these children to create a new, better, and freer society?

My bet’s on my niece and my god daughter, pictured above.