

I have a request: If you’ve been happy with your Trading With Cody subscription, can you refer forward this email to three or four friends and tell them to try the service for one month? I’ll even refund their first month’s payment so they can try Trading With Cody free for 30 days. Thank you in advance.

What is Trading With Cody?

  • Fundamental analysis and reports on the markets, economy and individual stocks most week days.
  • A listing of Cody’s latest positions in order from largest to smallest with updated Revolution Investing ratings and analysis on each position regularly.
  • A Live Chat Room where Cody answers questions and engages with the Trading With Cody community almost daily.
  • Trade Alerts every time Cody buys or sells a stock or option, as often as 1-5 times per week.
  • A Live Weekly Q&A Conference Call that Cody hosts each week in the Chat Room to bring together the community and create a running transcript of questions and answers, one time per week.
  • Exclusive features The IAm Cody Willard app for Android and iOS.

Here’s what people and the media are saying about Cody and his stock picks:

“There are investment sites and advisors — and then there’s Trading with Cody. Let me tell you why when I see their auto-renewal charge come across once a year I’m comforted rather than at all concerned about the expense. Because with Cody Willard, you’re dealing with an accessible, articulate guy with a stunning record who, while not perfect, hits ’em out of the park (and beyond the parking lot) way more often than he doesn’t . . . who thoroughly explains and records each and every recommendation he makes . . . who lays out, and lives by, a don’t-go-crazy investment technique that gets you into and out of your transactions in a way designed to yield maximum gain with less risk . . . who offers a sounding board and valuable views (and free books) on trends and opportunities . . . who offers an around-the-clock member chat session that he often participates in . . . and who offers perhaps the friendliest and most competent member services and technical staff in the business. I don’t just trade. I ‘Trade with Cody’ because for me he makes investing a friendly, de-mystified — and very often, successful — pursuit.” – Ed, 2017

“I have recommended Cody before, and years later, I am still recommending him. I have learned a lot following Cody, his portfolio, and his investing philosophy. Whether you choose to follow his trades in lockstep, or whether you choose to use his holdings and trades as a guide to customize your own portfolio, I do trust Cody to navigate us through the really good markets, as well as the ugly ones. When things get ugly, I have to remind myself to zoom out and remember to see the big picture. And here is the big picture of what Cody has done for me over the past year, compared to the major indices.

The guy is always calm and gracious amidst the din of the market and us, his worry wart subscribers. But we are subscribers for a reason. Thanks, Cody!” – Steve, 2017

“I’ve been a Trading With Cody subscriber for many years and have enjoyed it the whole time. Cody’s service has paid for itself over and over and provides me with both education and entertainment. To quote an old friend ‘I don’t always take all of Cody’s advice, but when I do ….’” – Moby, 2016

“Not only does Cody Willard have an uncanny ability to pick revolutionary tech stocks for the long haul, netting his Trading With Cody subscribers huge gains, he’s dedicated to helping us keep those gains by trimming around our core positions and steering us clear of future bear markets, just as he has in the past.” – Tenacious Trader, 2017

“Trading with Cody is a great way for the busy average person to get insights into investing ideas and the market trends early. Instead of day trading or attempting timing each move against the market, Cody aims to be in the innovative companies early or appropriately. His non-emotional approach to the market and coaching is a very reassuring contrast to the whiplash inducing changing headlines one is otherwise exposed to.” – Ben, 2017

“Aside from being a straight shooter he is a solid individual. Over the years that I have been with Cody I feel very comfortable with his understanding of what makes the Market tick. What I learned from him is patience, and more importantly that I make decisions of how much to buy and when to sell. I look forward to his commentary and over the years I have not only profited by using his service but appreciate how decent and smart he is.” – Marvin, 2017

“Cody Willard, a Wall Street wonder at 25.” – NY Daily News, 2006

“I refer you to Cody Willard and his excellent newsletter — he’s been nailing them. He’s had them all.” – Jim Cramer, legendary hedge fund manager and CNBC anchor, 2005   Read more testimonials

Some of Cody’s trading career highlights include:

Launching a tech-centric long/short equity hedge fund on October 1, 2002, just eleven days before the Nasdaq finished its two-year long 75% decline.

Closing his hedge fund on October 1, 2007 to become a national news anchor as he warned of the collapse of the major Wall Street banks and the infrastructure of the hedge fund industry just as the markets topped and subsequently crashed 60% in the next year:

Telling his followers to buy and stay long Apple since March 2003 when the stock was $1 per share to this very day:

Telling his followers to buy and stay long Google since August 2004 when the stock was $48 per share to this very day:

Making Facebook one of his top 3 positions and by loading up on Facebook common stock and long-dated call options when the stock was $20 after the stock had crashed post-IPO.

Betting Donald Trump Jr that oil would see the $30s before it would see $150s as Cody hosted a nationally-televised two-hour block party on Wall Street in July 2008, as oil was at $130 on its way to $147 before falling all the way to $32 in the ensuing months. The bet? Each of their respective inheritance against each other’s. True story:

For only $99 per month, you can get a ringside seat as one of the most famous investors in the country trades in the same style using the same strategies that made him so successful.

Tell them to go TradingWithCody.com to sign up today.