Happy Hour with @RebeccaDiamond and Cody Willard. Errr. I mean, Cody Underground

Happy Hour with @RebeccaDiamond and Cody Willard. Errr. I mean, Cody Underground

Happy Hour with @RebeccaDiamond and Cody Willard. Errr. I mean, Cody Underground. Featuring @MichaelHaynes CEO of Apmex.AUDIO PODCAST LISTEN BY CLICKING HERE

And here are some highlights from my Scutify feed today:

All Star: CodyWillard Best stocks for the second gen iPhone? Nailed it! VIDEO: Fox Happy Hour Cody’s Big 3: Bear, Illuminati, iPhone Winners Uploaded on Jun 11, 2008***

All Star: CodyWillard

If you’re a $GOLD or $SILVER investor and you’re not followinghttp://www.scutify.com/profiles/leader.aspx?q=michaelhaynes @MichaelHaynes on Scutify.com, you’re missing out. His http://www.scutify.com/profiles/leader.aspx?q=michaelhaynes page is the best gold/silver info flow you’ll ever see.


All Star: CodyWillard Scutify.com global user “Who’s on from what country right now” map below. US still dominates, but the other countries’ global share is growing.

Here’s the Scutify.com Top 40 Countries visitor list from over the last month. US is at 70% of our user base so far, at the top.

And down at 91-100th comes Ethiopia which just beats out Iran, both of which land higher than Macau. Ha.

All Star: CodyWillard@TraderLGR I owned some calls on the $GDX for a while last year. It was a wild ride, too some partial quick profits after it spiked and then rode the remainder to mostly an ugly loss, as I recall. $GDXJ is beyond my ability to analyze much less trade. Good luck!