Headed To Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Hong Kong (Plus Markets Commentary And A Little Put Selling)

We are hitting the road, and as you might expect, we sold/rolled down a few puts into today's ugly action after getting increasingly more cautious as noted last week.

Headed To Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Hong Kong (Plus Markets Commentary And A Little Put Selling)
That's me in Abu Dhabi five years ago. Excited to go back.

First off, I wanted to let you know that Bryce was recently the featured guest on the Multibagger Nuggets podcast hosted by Kris Heyndrikx. They discussed Tesla, Robinhood, our outlook on the markets, etc. Be sure to listen to it wherever you get your podcasts (here is the Spotify link).

Second, we'll do this week's Live Q&A Chat at the standard time (3:00pm ET, Wednesday, September 4th) in the Discord channel or you can email your questions to support@tradingwithcody.com.

Also, don't forget that Bryce and I are leaving for the UAE (Abu Dhabi and Dubai) this Thursday, September 5th where we will stay a few days before heading to Hong Kong for a few more days. We will return back to the USA on September 17th.

We have a pretty full schedule of meetings and work-related stuff happening on this trip but if any of you dear Trading With Cody subscribers living in those locales want to link up, please shoot us an email and we will do our best to connect with you.

That's me in Abu Dhabi five years ago. Excited to go back.

Now on to today's analysis.