I Against I Stock Market Fights Itself

It’s still an Amaris’s favorite song, Baby Shark Stock Market:

“Mark…ets up! Doo doo, doo doo, da doo doo.
Mark…ets down! Doo doo, doo doo, da doo doo.
Mark…ets up! Doo doo, doo doo, da doo doo.
Mark…ets down! Doo doo, doo doo, da doo doo.”

Or maybe it’s an I Against I Stock Market, quoting Bad Brains, as the markets fight themselves:

“The same old story, no factual glory
I against I against I against I
I against I against I
And I say I don’t like it
And I know I don’t want it
I against I against I against I”

Third, fourth, ninth and tomorrow’s verse, somewhat almost the same as the first.

Is the recent volatility over? Is the recent bottom, THE bottom for now? Are stocks headed back to new all-time highs? Are you scared? Am I scared? What do you want to know? Ask me anything, let’s discuss this stuff, let’s learn, let’s get to the bottom (pun intended) of these questions and others.

Let’s do this week’s Live Q&A Chat in the Trading With Cody Chat Room at 2pm ET. Be there or be square (and Huey was wrong, man, square ain’t hip, at least when it comes to your money — be contrarian!)