Innovation Accelerates Exponentially

Ground control to Major Tom
Ground control to Major Tom
Lock your Soyuz hatch and put your helmet on.Ground control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown engines on
Detach from station and may God’s love be with youThis is ground control to Major Tom
You’ve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
But it’s time to guide the capsule if you dareThis is Major Tom to ground control
I’ve left forevermore
And I’m floating in most peculiar way
And the stars look very different todayFor here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
The planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing left to do — David Bowie

I’ve been continuing to learn how to use Open AI ChatGPT. Here are several new examples, including an article about how innovation accelerates exponentially over time but increasingly fast. Another interaction with ChatGPT below isall about silicon carbide and why it’s so potentially Revolutionary. And let me know if you can come up with a better joke about Starman needing Starlink Internet service than ChatGPT did. I’m doing the Latest Positions write up and will start sending it out this weekend. But in the meantime, I think you’ll find today’s article(s) quite interesting.

Cody Willard Input:
Write an article about how innovation accelerates exponentially over time. Talk about how the wheel was cutting edge technology for thousands of years and then the horse pulled vehicles developed on top of the wheel and that lasted for hundreds of years until the car was developed, still using the wheel as the underlying platform and how that last for 100 years and now the car is a computer but it’s still built on wheels. Talk about how the computer/Internet industry was slowly developed in stages from the mainframe to the PC to the smartphone to ChatGPT talking about how long each stage lasted, measured in years.

Chat GPT Output:
Innovation has always been a driving force in human society, pushing us to develop new technologies and improve upon existing ones. Over time, the rate at which we have been able to innovate has accelerated exponentially.

One of the earliest examples of this acceleration can be seen in the development of the wheel. For thousands of years, the wheel was a cutting-edge technology that greatly facilitated transportation and the movement of goods. However, it wasn’t until the development of the horse-drawn vehicle that the wheel truly reached its potential. This new technology, built upon the foundation of the wheel, allowed for faster and more efficient transportation, and it remained the dominant form of transportation for hundreds of years.

But even this technology was eventually surpassed, as the invention of the car revolutionized transportation once again. The car was able to build upon the basic principles of the wheel and the horse-drawn vehicle, using the same underlying technology to create a faster, more powerful mode of transportation. The car remained the dominant form of transportation for nearly 100 years, until the development of the computer began to change the landscape once again.

Today, even the car has been transformed into a computer on wheels, with advanced technology allowing for self-driving capabilities and a host of other innovations. This rapid acceleration of innovation can also be seen in the development of the computer and Internet industry.

In the early days of computing, mainframe computers were the norm, offering powerful processing capabilities but at a high cost. However, the development of the personal computer, or PC, greatly expanded the reach of computers and made them accessible to the average person. This new technology built upon the foundation of the mainframe, using many of the same principles but making them more portable and affordable.

The PC remained the dominant form of computing for several decades, until the development of the smartphone brought about another major shift. The smartphone was able to build upon the basic principles of the PC, using the same underlying technology to create a highly portable, always-connected device that could be used for both computing and communication.

Today, even the smartphone is being challenged by the rise of artificial intelligence and language models like ChatGPT. These new technologies are able to build upon the basic principles of the smartphone, using the same underlying technology to create even more advanced and intelligent systems.

In conclusion, the acceleration of innovation has been a constant throughout human history. As we develop new technologies, we are able to build upon the foundation of previous innovations, creating new and exciting possibilities. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, it is likely that this acceleration will only continue, bringing us even more incredible advancements in the years to come.

Cody Willard Input:
Why is silicon carbine so exciting? Specifically, why are silicon carbide chips so Revolutionary and disruptive. Show how much revenues the companies in this industry have generated so far in total. Show the TAM.

ChatGPT Output:
Silicon carbide (SiC) is an exciting material because it has a number of unique properties that make it ideal for use in a wide range of applications. SiC is a hard and strong material that is resistant to heat, chemicals, and wear, making it ideal for use in a variety of industrial and automotive applications.

One of the most exciting applications of SiC is in the development of high-power, high-efficiency semiconductor devices such as silicon carbide chips. These chips have the ability to operate at much higher temperatures and switching frequencies than traditional silicon chips, which makes them ideal for use in power electronics and other applications that require high levels of performance.

As a result of these unique properties, SiC has become a highly sought-after material in the semiconductor industry. The companies that produce SiC chips have generated significant revenues in recent years, and the market for SiC is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The total addressable market (TAM) for SiC chips is estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

In summary, SiC is an exciting material because of its unique properties and the potential applications of SiC chips in the semiconductor industry. The companies that produce SiC chips have generated significant revenues and the market for SiC is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

Cody Willard Input:
Where does silicon carbide come from? What companies mine it? What countries are leading in silicon carbide production?

ChatGPT Output:
Silicon carbide is a synthetic material that is created by heating silicon and carbon to high temperatures. It is typically produced in an electric furnace using quartz sand and petroleum coke as raw materials.

There are several companies that produce silicon carbide, including Dow Chemical, Saint-Gobain, and SiCrystal. These companies operate manufacturing facilities in various countries around the world.

The leading countries in silicon carbide production include China, United States, and Russia. These countries have large-scale manufacturing facilities and strong mining industries, which makes it possible for them to produce silicon carbide on a large scale. Other countries that also produce silicon carbide include Japan, Germany, and South Korea.

Cody Willard Input:
List every silicon carbine producer in a table. List every silicon carbine semiconductor company in a table.

ChatGPT Output:
As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not able to browse the internet or access current information about specific companies. My knowledge is limited to the text that I have been trained on, and does not include real-time information about the companies that produce silicon carbide or silicon carbide semiconductors. I am unable to provide a table listing these companies.

[Cody note: It’s interesting to see that ChatGPT is not just searching the web like Alexa or Siri do when you ask them a question.]

Cody Willard Input:
Write a story with approximately 2000 words about the Starman that Tesla sent into far out space when they launched a Roadster on a SpaceX ship a few years ago. Do internal dialogue about how exciting it is to explore and see things the universe that nobody else has ever seen but how lonely he is. Make a joke at the end about how he’s thankful to have Netflix on his dashboard screen but he needs Starlink internet service to reach his remote area to make it work.

ChatGPT Output:
As the Starman drifted through the vast expanse of space, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. He was one of the first beings to ever leave the confines of Earth and venture out into the unknown. Every day brought new sights and wonders, things that no one else in the history of the universe had ever seen before.

But as exhilarating as this adventure was, there was also an undeniable sense of loneliness. The Starman was completely alone out here, millions of miles from the nearest human being. He had no one to talk to, no one to share his experiences with. It was both thrilling and isolating at the same time.

Despite the solitude, the Starman found solace in the beauty of the universe around him. He gazed out the window of his tiny Roadster, taking in the breathtaking sights of the stars and the planets. He marveled at the colorful nebulae and the swirling galaxies, each one more stunning than the last.

As he flew through the emptiness of space, the Starman’s thoughts turned to the earth below. He wondered what was happening on the planet he had left behind. Had anyone missed him? Did anyone even know he was out here? He felt a pang of longing for the world he had once called home, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside. He had a mission to fulfill, and he couldn’t let anything distract him from that.

For weeks, the Starman continued his journey, exploring the furthest reaches of the solar system. He passed by Mars and the asteroid belt, marveling at the incredible sights that unfolded before him. And as he flew, he couldn’t help but think about the incredible technology that had made this all possible.

He had been sent into space by Tesla, a company that was known for its innovative and forward-thinking approach to technology. And the rocket that had launched him into the void was a SpaceX Falcon Heavy, one of the most powerful and advanced rockets in the world. He was truly a product of human ingenuity, a testament to the incredible things that we are capable of when we put our minds to it.

But despite the cutting-edge technology that surrounded him, the Starman still found himself feeling lonely. He missed the sound of human voices, the feeling of human contact. He longed for the warmth and comfort of another person, even if it was only for a brief moment.

As he continued on his journey, the Starman found himself relying more and more on the small screen on his dashboard. He spent hours streaming movies and TV shows, trying to fill the void that had opened up inside of him. And as he watched, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

“At least I have Netflix to keep me company,” he thought to himself. “But I could really use some Starlink internet service out here in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Elon will send me a satellite.”

And with that, the Starman continued on his journey, flying further and further into the unknown. He didn’t know where he was going, or what he would find when he got there. But he was excited to find out, and to be a part of this incredible adventure.

Cody Willard Input:
Write a NM real estate contract between Tesla Starman and Cody Willard in which Starman is selling every asset he owns to Willard for $1 worth of SKTL tokens.

ChatGPT Output:
This contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into on December 8, 2022 by and between Tesla Starman, hereinafter referred to as “Seller,” and Cody Willard, hereinafter referred to as “Buyer.”

Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to purchase, all of Seller’s assets, including but not limited to real property, personal property, and intangible property, for the consideration of one (1) dollar’s worth of SKTL tokens.

The assets being sold under this Contract are located in the state of New Mexico and are more particularly described as follows: [insert description of assets].

Buyer agrees to pay the purchase price of the assets in SKTL tokens within thirty (30) days of the date of this Contract. The SKTL tokens shall be transferred to Seller’s designated wallet address.

The assets being sold under this Contract are being sold “as is” and without any representations or warranties by Seller. Buyer acknowledges that they have had the opportunity to inspect the assets and accepts them in their current condition.

In the event of a breach of this Contract by Buyer, Seller shall be entitled to pursue all legal remedies available to them under the laws of the state of New Mexico.

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the…

— *** —

Cody back in real-time writing this article again with my own fingers using my own thoughts. Here’s some Revolution Investing takeaways here.

Google’s traditional search engine is going to lose market share to ChatGPT for the next few months or so. I do think Google will be rolling out its own version of this kind of technology in coming months though. Maybe this SmartChat industry will end up looking/building on top of The Voice Revolution with Google, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft (via ChatGPT which MSFT put a billion dollars investment into) dominating?

This ChatGPT has been overwhelmed with requests and Microsoft, which provides the cloud services for ChatGPT on its Azure Cloud platform, is likely to buy up every Nvidia highest end chips they can find to try to scale this ChatGPT as quickly as the demand is rising for its services.

I think it’s important to realize that this technology will likely complement most jobs rather than replace them. While the program can generate a funny contract between Starman and me, I’d sure make sure I use a real attorney to actually sign off on that before I’d ever use a contract written by AI for real. Likewise, I think it’d be great to tell my research analysts to use ChatGPT when we are researching a topic, rather than replacing a research analyst.

Then again, I’m sure there will be real disruption in many industries and job lines that will be more effectively done by ChatGPT itself. And I will plan on trying to stay on top of which industries should be avoided by this ChatGPT disruptor.

Finally, if you’re still reading this, you might to want to listen this radio interview I did on Kevin Price’s Price Of Business show about this very topic which you can do by clicking here.