Join Us For This Week’s Live Q&A Chat And/Or For This Week’s SKTLs Space Call

Join Us For This Week’s Live Q&A Chat And/Or For This Week’s SKTLs Space Call

I might have forgotten to mention the day of the chat when I sent out yesterday’s post. We’ll do this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 11am ET TODAY in the chat room on or just hit reply to this email and we’ll include your question and my answer in the transcript.

If you love Space and want to see humans in space one day… be sure to stop by this week’s SKTLs Volunteers call and see what we’re up to. Here’s the link to today’s Wednesday SKTLs Volunteers call at 4pm ET.

You can watch a replay of last week’s fascinating discussion with Dan Giraci, the chairman of the Planetary Society, anytime here.