Last chance: Get a Lifetime Subscription to Trading With Cody

As part of the new Lifetime Subscription to Trading With Cody, I spend 30 minutes on the phone with each person who signs up as a lifetimer. Most of the lifetime subscribers choose to send me a brief write-up about their financial situation which I read right before I call them so there’s some background for our talk.

This will be just about the last time I’m going to mention the new “Trading With Cody For Life” subscription level for the first 100 existing subscribers who sign up at There’s just a few slots left so if you want to take advantage of this lifetime subscription offer, I’d suggest doing it asap. Here’s some of the feedback I’ve gotten from the new lifetime subscribers whom I’ve spoken with so far:

Lifetime Subscriber: Cody, I wanted to thank you for speaking with me a Thursday. I appreciate your service/financial analysis and am glad to now be a lifetime member. I love your analysis and commentary. I appreciate your deep dive into my financial situation and giving me some straight up advice on some of my riskier stocks. I also like the advice of how I need to put more into my business to make it work. It resonated with me and now I need to take action. Thank you again and I am rooting for you with all your business ventures. I have to imagine with the money you have made just from investments you are set for life.  I respect that you are still pushing to do more with your other business’s. Enjoy your time home with your beautiful family and I look forward to doing the random acts of kindness (giving little surprises to make some people’s day). I do that every now and then, but you reminded me that I should do it much more. Rock on!

Cody: I enjoyed the talk too and you just reminded me I need to do more random acts of kindness too. Virtuous cycle!

Lifetime Subscriber: Cody, thanks again for the call today. Hearing your high level thoughts on my retirement options as I head into retirement were very insightful and gave me practical ideas to talk over with my wife and my advisor.

Cody: Sometimes my job is to ask the right questions, I suppose. Thank you.

Lifetime Subscriber: Cody, I can’t thank you enough for the discussion about whether I should take a lump sum one time payout or stick with my pension/medical. The insights from our phone call was more than worth the one time lifetime payment!

Cody: No easy answers, but sometimes there are obvious “safer” answers.

Cody back in real-time again. This is just about your last chance to sign up for “Trading With Cody For Life” to get a lifetime of access to all of Trading With Cody plus a decade of annual 30 minute 1-on-1 conversations with me to talk about your portfolio or any other topics you choose.

At just $5995, you could save tens of thousands of dollars on your Trading With Cody subscription over the decade. You also get to talk to Cody personally every year for the next ten years for 30 minutes at a pop.

But wait, there’s more. If you’re an annual subscriber, we’ll refund your most recent annual payment when you sign up for “Trading With Cody For Life.” If you’re a monthly subscriber, we’ll refund up to your last six months’ worth of payments.

Again, this offer is limited so if you want Trading With Cody for life, sign up asap:

Here are a few questions/answers and some very nice comments about the lifetime subscription offer that we wanted to share with you.

Lifetime Subscriber: Hi Cody, just took your “Trading With Cody For Life” offer. It has been a pleasure these last years to take this journey with you and it will be as nice to continue it with you. Your insights are priceless (and I’ve been a banker with Merrill Lynch for many years) your market view is always very clear and your stock picking, what can I say, results speak for themselves. Thanks for this opportunity, looking forward to it.

Cody: Wow, thank you for those kind words. It means a lot coming from someone in the industry! Glad to have you on board TWC4Life.

Lifetime Subscriber: Is there a senior version? This offer should have an age adjusted pricing schedule. It’s an incredible value for a new investor say in the 20-30 or 35 year age bracket.

Cody: The thing to remember is that even if you’re a 90 year-old Trading With Cody subscriber, I hope you’re planning to be around and subscribe to Trading With Cody for at least one more decade! And that would make the Trading With Cody For Life subscription at $5995 a heckuva bargain for annual subscribers.

Lifetime Subscriber: I saw your lifetime subscription offer, and I have signed up. I think it is a great value. Thanks, Cody. Looking forward to our one on one.

Cody: Thanks and I too look forward to our one-on-one call that comes with your Lifetime Subscription to Trading With Cody.

Lifetime Subscriber: Cody, the pricing on your lifetime offer is very reasonable. I think the price is extremely fair. I don’t know the value of everybody’s portfolio, but one good trade idea alone could pay the value of the lifetime subscription.

Cody: Thank you for the kind words and I’m hoping we have several more 5-baggers, 10-baggers and 100-baggers to come which would more than pay for the lifetime subscription price many times over.

Q. Hi Cody, just signed on for a lifetime of fun and games and profits. How will you be crediting me for the annual payment already made ?

Cody: Lori or Cathy will automatically refund your most recent annual payment within a few hours after you sign up for TWC4Life. Thanks, for joining us for life!

Lifetime Subscriber: I have made a bundle of money on the likes of Apple, FB, FSLR, SEDG INTC and more.  You saved me after I split from AG Edwards brokering as I decided to take the helm on a small portfolio. Thanks so much. I take this wealth and help the poorest of the poor in Hispaniola Haitians and Dominicans born in the deepest of poverty and what a gift! Educational opportunities provide a glimmer of hope for a descent future but sometimes I am depressed by the barriers. Here’s to a decent future for my families and the kids I have provided for the last ten years.

Cody: I don’t even know what to say but thanks for the kind words and thanks for working to make the world a better place.

Lifetime Subscriber: I’ve been willing to risk my annual payment on something happening to you (hit by a bus scenario) but for $5,995 I would anticipate an agreement that would include a refunding of a portion of the fee should something prevent you from continuing to provide these services or should you choose to move to Santa Fe to become an artist.

Cody: Sure, good point and good idea. I’ll guarantee that I will keep writing for the next ten years or I’ll provide a pro rated refund of your lifetime subscription price.

Lifetime Subscriber: Cody, I’ll be gumming my food in 30 years!

Cody: You’ll be gumming your food in a holo deck that has a 3-D image three of me talking from an artificial intelligence bot. You better sign up, man.

Lifetime Subscriber: I want to take advantage of the lifetime membership offer.  I just want to make sure that once I pay I will receive a credit for 6 months of monthly fees that I’ve paid.  How will that credit be issued?

Cody: Cathy or Lori will issue you a direct for up to six months of your recent monthly payments automatically when you sign up for Trading With Cody For Life. If you’ve been a monthly subscriber for six months or more, you’ll get $594 (6 x $99) refunded immediately upon us receiving your payment of $5995 for the lifetime subscription.

To recap then…

This offer is limited so sign up today here: