Linkfest – Challenge conventional thinking

Smooth sailing, it seems, huh? But looks can be deceiving. While the markets remain subdued at all-time highs, let’s read some headlines that challenge the conventional thinking. Complacency is for losers.

Bull Market In Disingenuity – Robert Marcin is the best value investor I’ve ever known, as I’ve mentioned many times. He’s also one of the best macro-economic and political commentators and I read him every day at (disclosure: I founded the site).

Indicator Update: A Time for Bargain Hunting? – Meanwhile, Jeff Miller’s Felix Indicator has been on fire with the market timing. Read his latest for some great ideas.

Where Bank Regulators Go to Get Rich – The revolving door and the banks’ immunity are making bankers feel invincible. I have no faith in the banking industry any more, and won’t until the current Regime is abolished and rebuilt in reform from the ground up. Til then doesn’t it feel like a game of “how long can this last til it blows up again?”

A manipulated market and reality – See my comments above. The problem is always that in the end, reality sets in.

New Skype Malware Makes Computers Mine Bitcoins – I’ve often praised the idea of private currencies even on Fox.  Your thoughts?

Why Bitcoin scares banks and governments – More on BitCoin. I think BitCoin itself is all hype for now and wouldn’t touch it for anything, but someday private currency markets will exist. – I think we’ve got the best App-related search and find site on the Internet. I need help with it though. Interested? Send us your suggestions or resume to

The New HTC One Is Hands Down The Best Android Phone Around Samsung is the biggest loser on this. I’m short Samsung through the EWY.

Bass Says Japan Bond Volatility May Foreshadow Crash – I think the Japan money printing, stimulus extravaganza is going to further distort the markets and yields and probably exacerbate the “forced risk trade” and this ongoing stock market bubble I called for right on schedule.

Trade Alert – Neil Patrick Harris, psychosomatic sickness, and tranche buying – Missed my best friend’s surprise 40th birthday bash in NYC last weekend. I’ve been in therapy and I’ve worked hard on the terrors from my own 9/11 and other traumas in my life, but like anybody else, I’ve got my issues. Our own personalities, traumas, issues, patterns, cycles, and emotions do impact our own approach to the market and recognizing that reality is a good thing.