Markets, AAPL and San Francisco

Markets are up fractionally, slowly building their ongoing bubble blowing bull market cycle upon itself. Trader’s Deep Thought of the Morning: Is $AAPL overloved again? I’m literally up 100x from my first purchase of the AAPL stock from back in March 2003 and I still own it as one of my Top 3 Biggest positions, but it sure has a lot of love around it right now. I wouldn’t be shocked to see it pop a few more percentage points to maybe $104-105 or so and then flip back and filet all the newfound Apple-stock-lovers. Be patient on the $AAPL one for now.

I’m on the road headed to San Francisco to give a few presentations at the MoneyShow. We won’t be able to have the Live Q&A Chat today and I’ll be out of pocket for the next few days, so let’s do an extra Live Q&A next Monday when I’m back. We’ll also do our regularly scheduled Live Q&A Chat at 2pm EST next Wednesday for a double barrel hit of Q&A next week.

No trades for me today other than getting out of the positions I’d outlined yesterday, selling CREE and FEYE as well as covering IEF and DLTR.

Much more to come in the next few weeks, but you know I’m following our playbook.